United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • A R T herapy working on Contractures
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A R T herapy working on Contractures

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 10:09 pm
by Kathleen
Hi All
I thought I would share this information ...
Right now the PT I use just finished training in
ART = Active Release Therapy


He has been using this on me for the past two weeks and I am getting a really good stretch in the bpi arm on the contracture's in my elbow... and those contracture's are pretty old... LOL...

This therapy is also helping with the overuse on the left arm and carpal tunnel problems along with Ulna problems... It has really helped

It is not for wimps it takes strong pressure. So far it has helped with the pain.

I also get chiropractor adjustments and myofacia release along with ART.

I noticed after only two weeks that my arm has a longer reach and the muscles on the "overused non bpi arm" are getting much looser.

I am scheduled for another EMG on the non bpi arm because of the nerve problems and the stinging in my hand... but since I started this treatment it seems to be better...
It would be great if it was all better before Sept 5 and I could cancel the EMG...
I hate needles and I hate the EMG.... it will be my third....

Check out the web site. It is very strong pressure but I think it is worth it to loosen the contracture's in my elbow... don't know it I could take it in my underarm... but I would do it for a better range of motion.
