United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Please note this error on my travel page on Maia's site:
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Please note this error on my travel page on Maia's site:

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 10:30 pm
by francine
I just received word today that I had the wrong TCH contact person and telephone number for Continental Medical Airfare "codes".

I originally had the social worker, Nancy Malley, listed on the travel page. I made an assumption that Nancy was the primary person for this task because she was the person who helped me out with my Continental "codes". She was indeed very helpful and knew exactly what we needed to get this airfare.

But I just found out today that Nancy has been swamped with phone calls for this and she's not the right person to contact.

I already changed the website - but take note of this anyway...

The correct person to call for help with Continental Medical Airfare is social worker Jenna Caswell-Nassif at 832-822-1954. Jenna is available to help you Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday only.

I publicly apologize to Nancy for any grief this may have caused her. Sorry Nancy!!
