United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Dangerous toy!
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Dangerous toy!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 5:53 am
by admin
My daughter is 11 mos old and has a right bpi birth injury. I bought her a Fisher Price Pull UP Ball Blast toy to help her lift her injured arm and she ended up getting her bpi arm stuck in the toy. It stands up about her height, and the balls they give you can be dropped into the top so they slide down arround the toy to the bottom. Of course any child of her age would try to chase the ball, as she did, there is a hole in the top of the toy for the ball and an arm to fit into. The problem is the arm cannot exit. I tried to remove the toy while my daughter was standing up stuck all the way to her shoulder on her injured arm. I finally got it off. I wrote Fisher Price and e-mailed them, no response. I just want you to all be aware toys arent always safe.

Re: Dangerous toy!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 9:56 pm
by Carole
We have this toy and have not had a problem but keep calling Fisher Price and consumer affairs people. I think there is a recall protocal try toys r us to find out how to report it- this really should be reported. Hoope your sweety is Ok.

Re: Dangerous toy!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2001 12:52 am
by blakesmom
We have this toy for my 13mo old (no BPI) and one of my daycare children got their arm stuck in it, but not that bad, I caught it when it happened(always have to be on my toes with this one:) but I would definately report it and I will keep a closer eye on it since it happened to you, too. Watch that they don't put other toys down it, daycare child did that too, and it is almost impossible to get the toy out!!

Re: Dangerous toy!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2001 12:54 am
by crystal
Jade has this toy too.she has gotten it stuck too. but too fisher price defence they design it for "normal" kids.(if there is such thing as normal) She loves that toy.we have had a problem when she was learning to stand up. it fell over. THE TOY IS THERE TO HELP HER STAND UP NOT KNOCK HER DOWN. its just one more thing that we parents have tp think about due to BPI. we have to see if toys are safe in a whole new light. best of luck in trynng too get a hold of fisher price. its takes a while.ive called them on lots of toys that break. they know me and i won't buy crap. so if it breaks i call.

Re: Dangerous toy!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2001 12:56 am
by crystal
jade puts everything in the world down it. ssoooo i have to get my hand stuck to get it out.LOL

Re: Dangerous toy!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2001 3:11 am
by tina arvizu
Thank you for the heads up. This toy was on my Christmas list.