United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Post Surgery Exercises
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Post Surgery Exercises

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:44 am
by RobertRacer
I just wanted to see if aanyone else had different ideas or exercises that've helped you regain either mobility or use. Anything you've learne from a PT/OT or Dr. or another TBPI person that has helped. Briefly I'll remind of my injury and things I currently do, maybe I can help you with those, maybe you can help me.

1) TBPI from Motorcycle t-boning SUV on Sept.23,2007. A year and 3 months.
2) After all else healed, humerous, ribs, lungs neck, spine etc. I had Ulnar nerve transfer on March 18, 2008.
3) My injury, Upper trunk BP involving mainly bicep and deltoid (shoulder).

So now:
1) I stay in the gym at least 3 days per week doing what I can.
2) I try to lift small weight, with other muscles that also secondarily target my injured muscles hoping to inadvertantly trigger.
3) Pool. (i.e. low impact, weight assisted.)
4)I lay on my back and roll out a skateboard (kinda like a flapping wing) but slowly and controlled.
5) I put two pulleys on the ceiling in my basement, about wingspan length and use one arm to assist the other in lifting.
6) Stretching (a lot) in doorframes or whatever possible.
7) A rubber exercise band (commonly used by PT's)

Re: Post Surgery Exercises

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:41 pm
by racerboy
Hi Rob-
Our injuries are very similar as are our dates of injury/surgery, though a couple of years apart. I was injured on Sep 21, 2008 and had my surgery on Mar 20, 2009.

How long after surgery were you able to start lifting again? I'm also curious to learn more about the pulleys you use to assist in lifting.
