United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Need something to keep my arm warm?
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Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:46 am
by Karl
Hi All,
Is there anything i could buy or use to keep my arm warm?
After work (in an office) i like to go to the beach and walk for about an hour.i'm living in ireland and as you all know we don't get much hot weather over here,even today 25th June it's cold.
i would appreciate any help at all.



Re: Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 12:03 pm
by francine
Karl - there is this catalog called Kids Nature.. on line it is www.kidsnatureonline.com. They have these undershirts that are made out of combination of wool and silk. Maia has a couple of those shirt that she wears int he winter to keep her arm warm. It's fabulous fabric - actually made for those that have skin issues (eczema).

Anyway - I was wondering if the owner of Kids Nature would put you in contact with the manufacturer of these wool/silk garments and maybe they make something for adults?

Also - in therapy catalogs there is this product called Stockinette. It comes in many different grades and thicknesses (some with compression also). Maybe this can be helpful...you could a length as long as your arm and a bit more to make a cuff on both ends and pull it up on your arm under your shirt. It's small enough that you could keep some in your pocket or car and use it when you need it. I think many types of stockinette are washable as well so you could reuse it.

Another lead you should search into are professionals that help women (usually post breast cancer) with lymphoedema. These are women who have had lymph nodes removed and the circulation in their arms are very restricted. There may be some other products available that they use to keep their arms warm.

good luck and I'd love to know what you end up finding...

Re: Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 12:05 pm
by francine
one more thing...my husband works in an office with the air conditioning duct right above his head...he's a thin man - has no 'protection'... he wears long underwear under his shirt... if you just want your arm warmed maybe you can just cut off the sleeve with an extra portion and make a cuff on it (and maybe even use velcro to hold it in your shirt at the shoulder?)

Re: Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2002 5:45 pm
by jennyb
Hi Karl, it's winter here in New Zealand and as central heating and double glazing are not standard in most kiwi houses I have to be careful to keep my arm warm even indoors. If you're like me it's the hand you need to keep warm the most, I wear a wool sock which reaches to my elbow, held on with an elastic hair tie, I keep it on 24/7. It looks a bit odd but I'm way past caring and to be honest most people don't notice :0)My bpi arm is enough shorter than the other one to disappear up my sleeve, which also helps keep it warm. If I go out in the bush I have an arm from a childs anorak I cut off and hemmed at the end-I stick my arm in the end with the elasticated cuff which holds it on just above the elbow, plus I still wear the sock inside that. My muscle wastage in the lower arm is pretty advanced which is why I use a sock rather than a glove (plus i can't 'do' fingers) and a childs anorak, anything else just falls off and I don't notice till I see a blue hand sticking out the end of my sleeve. The good thing is that I have a use for all those odd socks :0)

Re: Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 12:56 am
by cbr9
hi there, i work steel construction year long in british columbia canada, i too get a frozen ltbpi. i haven't tried it yet, but i am thinking about getting a battery powered heat sock to slip over in the winter. i know that you can get them for yer ski boots. just a thought to ponder.

Re: Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 4:47 am
by Dave m
Hi Karl, i know what you mean about the cold, its not just sensory it affects muscle movement with me too, what movement i did recover in my hand almost completely packs up when it is wet/cold ~ in Boots chemist (you guys have em there right?) tho they sell a wrist/arm support (PRO SPORT) which i got and its made of neoprene so is warm like wetsuit material and covers the palm/back of my hand and some lower forearm. It helps a lot in insulating and i reckon a trip to a surf shop will find a glove that insulates good tho i dont know if they do 'mitten' types as fingers are a pain to thread into ordinary gloves, and i can move mine, if you cant it will be worse. I'll let you know if the surf shop has anything but think it should do as surfers on cold seas need really good insulation, if you see anyone fool enuff to be doing watersports in the cold on your beach walks grab em and ask about keeping warm! :O)

Re: Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 4:38 pm
by lizzyb
Hi Karl...

Try this site...
http://www.realshopping.co.uk/acatalog/ ... ks_44.html

....or if you want to try out something a bit radical, and you are handy with DIY, have a go at what this bloke did...

http://www.afrotechmods.com/reallycheap ... lothes.htm

...failing that, I reckon you can't beat the good ol' Damart very unglamorous thermolactyl underwear; it does exactly what it promises...keeps yer warm in all weathers. http://www.damartonline.co.uk/damart.htm

Liz :o)

Re: Need something to keep my arm warm?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2002 4:36 am
by Karl
Hi All,
Thanks for all your help.I've tried gloves,sleeves and even wrapping my arm in Cling Film but no good.
I'm going to try and get those heated Gloves.Thanks Lizzy.
I must get back to work.

