United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Cold Arm/Hot Arm
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Cold Arm/Hot Arm

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:44 am
by MarkedlyInPain
Do anyone of your arms go from cold to hot during the day?

My arm is typically icy cold during the day and then turns bright red hot at night. thought it may be because I'm up more during the day, but it doesn't seem to care if I'm up or down.

Re: Cold Arm/Hot Arm

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:49 am
by sommersuz
I haven't noticed it being hot at night, but yes, definitely the cold part. It is interesting. When was your injury and what all is affected? Suzanne Sommer, Dallas TX Injury Date August 6, 2008

Re: Cold Arm/Hot Arm

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:37 pm
by Heddip
My arm does the same--gets very cold during the day, especially if I'm standing. It warms up if I lie down, and gets hot during the night when I'm down for awhile.

It takes a long time for mine to go from cold to hot, so maybe it is changing when you are up or down, just too slowly to notice?

I think the blood flow improves while lying down, and is bad while standing.

Re: Cold Arm/Hot Arm

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:37 pm
by MarkedlyInPain
It was in '96 and they think I drove and caught my seatbelt just before the crash. I had a crush injury on my inner elbow that required a lot of surgeries, including a rotational flap, as well as all of the brachial plexus tears and pulls.

I have no use of my hand, no tricep, I'm kind of impacted like a chicken leg and thigh. I don't have much of an arm or chest left, but can rotate my arm and left at the elbow.

I think it's weird the cold/warm. I was sure it didn't matter if I was up or down. But this much pain has taught me I do not know what is up or down anymore.