United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Mikey - We Miss You!!
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Mikey - We Miss You!!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 6:48 pm
by Nancy (Eric's Mom)

Where ya been? I hope everything is OK. I know you can't post from work anymore and I'm hoping that's why you haven't been around. I was wondering..... a while back you mentioned you had "designed" some sort of therapy thing, I assume with a pulley. I was hoping you'd be willing to share with me what you did. Eric only goes to physical therapy once a week. He says he does his stretches, etc. but I think if we had some sort of therapy contraption he would use it more. Dianne from Okla. says her son was going to physio 3 times a week and using e-stim (she said shock therapy but I think she is talking about e-stim). We really want to have something to motivate Eric to do it as much as possible. Please help!

Thanks Mikey - we really do miss you! Right everyone?

Re: Mikey - We Miss You!!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 12:45 am
by mikeyb
Hiya. I've been lurking as of late but I'm still here.

I rigged up a pulley to ROM my shoulder awhile back. It's a hook mounted in the ceiling and a clothes line pully with rope. I just loop my bp arm ( velcro the wrist) and pull the opposite end of the rope with my good arm. It worked great as it allowed me to raise and stretch my arm farther than it could without assistance.

All in all it cost me 15 bux at the hardware store. I mounted it above my favourite chair. So when I got lazy I was constantly reminded to do it. Same with the thera-band I mounted it right where I could see it. It's a great tool to as you almost mimic lifting weights without having to hold the weights.

To tell you the truth I just got tired of going to PT after 8 months. I knew all the exercises by that point anyway.

I had alot of e-stim to. I knew I was finished with that when I could expand my bicept faster than the machine could mimic the same movement.

I hope this helps and all is well. Take care, Mike :)

Re: Mikey - We Miss You!!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 4:15 am
by admin
Hey im with you on the theraband mikey, put it where ya can't ignore it! Off to the NEC bikeshow today, I know you're a yamaha man, I'll try get a pic of the 4 stroke GP bike for ya mate :O)