United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Update to Old Posting of "Ganglion Cyst and Erbs Palsy, Is There A Link?"
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Update to Old Posting of "Ganglion Cyst and Erbs Palsy, Is There A Link?"

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 1:36 am
by Paul Mas
About last September, I posted a message entitled : "Ganglion Cyst and Erbs Palsy, Is There a Link?" My user name was Paul_M at that time (I recently forgot my password so I opened a new account).

At any rate, a local physician wanted to undergo surgery on my wrist, yet I apted toward a non-surgical procedure. Last week, I underwent asperation of the ganglion cyst and it currently feels much better!

As to my thinking of whether there appears to be a link between BP and Ganglions or not. I believe that the possiblity does exist, nevertheless, one medical website stated that ganglion cysts can be associated to arthritis. Last week, a blood test reflected low uric acid levels indicating gout (a form of arthritis).

In closing, while the possibility of a link between Erbs Palsy and Ganglions does exist, other factors could also play in the senario too.

Further discussion from others concerning Ganglion Cysts and Erbs Palsy might reflect whether there is truly a link or not.

Therefore, feel free to comment below on this subject, past comments have been appreciated.

Re: Update to Old Posting of

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 2:28 pm
by Kathleen

I had a neuroma/wen on my left wrist for the past 5 years. Just recently we noticed that it is going away. It was so large and now it is so much smaller.

I am right obpi - strange that I would get it on my left arm... perhaps its overuse.

Glad to see you posting

Re: Update to Old Posting of

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 5:52 pm
by admin
Paul, My late Mother had many ganglion/cysts on her wrists and upper arms. Of the cysts on her wrists, 2 were surgically removed ( and grew back many years later) and one was aspirated. She had much more success with the aspirated one not returning at all.
The point I am getting to ( eventually you say! lol) is that although she didn't have any kind of BPI she did suffer in later years from arthritis and to a much greater extent, gout!
Now I am reaching my forties, I am also developing these types of cysts, as are my siblings and I wondered if any other people have noticed a familial link with these types of conditions as I am concerned for my child who has a BPI and whether he will be more prone to this type of ganglion/cyst.
I would be very interested to hear from other adults.
Thanks, from a concerned Mother!

Re: Update to Old Posting of

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 1:36 pm
by Paul Mas

Noone in my family has ever been diagnosed with ganglions or gout. Nevertheless, I now suffer with these problems. After making an earlier statement about the problem (and without knowing my uric levels indicating gout), I felt that there was a direct link between BP and Ganglions.

Ganglions are known as the "Bible Cyst" and there are some cool website links. A Canadian website links GAngilions to overuse, and arthritis seems to be another link.

I still feel that my Erbs Palsy may play a direct role with my Ganglion, my right wrist is smaller than left (BP side). Therefore a "blowout" of the wrist capsule likely could have developed, nevertheless, I have been diagnosed with gout--possible a rich diet has been a factor too.

If you can find my older postings you will find many comments on this subject. I hope this helps you some, and may your Ganglion(s) feel better soon!

P.S. Although I have never heard anything about hereditary factors of gout and ganglions on any website, I appreciate your experience on this matter.

Re: Update to Old Posting of

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2002 1:56 pm
by Tessie258
Hello Paul,
My son has a BPI and doesn't have problems with this but I do!!! I have one near my elbow that I've had for years(it doesn't bother me at all) but I have one at the base of my thumb that drives me crazy. It has caused me alot of pain especially since I use my hands alot for signing and there are some days that I just can't sign. I got an apointment to see a doctor about it but wouldn't you know that on the day of the appointment it had shrunk down and was not bothering me so the doctor just said oh well come back if it gets bad again.....The thing that is curiuos about my cyst in my thumb is that when I was about 10 I accidently broke a bowl and a piece of glass was lodged in my thumb at almost the exact same place as the cyst is now...I always wondered if the cysts grow in an area that has scar tissue.
Good luck on your research!