United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Hey guys, Hope you are all great!
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Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:03 pm
by shaunnb
big surgery day is today ;)
See you on the flip side ;)
god bless

Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:22 pm
by AK_Cara
Good luck to you :)

Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:08 pm
by shaunnb
well that was short and sweet ;)
already discharged..
they found a neuroma ( scar tissue i think) on the previous nerve surgery, so removed it, and used a branch from triceps..and even grafted some sensory nerve to fill the gap..
will know more thursday i hope...

crossing those toes and fingers ;)

Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:13 pm
by marieke
Wow! That was quick! speedy recovery!

Marieke, 33 LOBPI

Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:44 pm
by shaunnb
that is what im hoping too! woot woot!
god bless


Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:53 pm
by swhite1
Wait... what ???
I'm sorry Shaunn. You had surgery yesterday to do what?
I swear I get so caught up and so lost in these boards.
I have so from the very beginning when it took Sue to knock on my head and suggested I try the ADULT BOARDS instead of the kids or ob.
The other day I found myself running all over the 'net' as per jennyb's suggestions and totaly lost out on asking Janelle where she was to have her procedure today. I was going to have one of my brothers or sisters bring some flowers by for her.
Damn I feel rotten.
I'll try and look backwards to see what's up.
Peace and laughter

Message was edited by: swhite1

Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:11 pm
by brentr6
I back your "woot woot" on this one!! I'm glad it went well and you're already on your way to a speedy recevery!! I'm sorry missed this, I was in the warm sunshine of Naples Florida and couldn't get to this back here in this cold Ohio. Be sure and keep us posted!! I wish you and everyone else on this board a safe and Happy Thanksgiving even though you and some others are not from the ole USA!!

God Bless,

Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:31 am
by shaunnb
well saw my surgeon today....scar is over the one i had before, but is a foot long over the back of my arm ;)
He thinks im looking @ 4 months till reinnervation occurs.
Im currently doing research into human growth hormone and its effects on peripheral nerves..regeneration etc..
anyone had experience in this?
I should be over stateside christmas eve for a few weeks ;)
happy thanksgiving..
i know i will be tucking into some apple pie ;)
god bless

Re: Hey guys, Hope you are all great!

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:51 pm
by bensmom
So glad your surgery went well and I can't believe how quickly you recovered! My husband had a similiar surgery in March, and I thought he was up quickly- but wow! He wouldn't have been up for typing a few hours later! Just a side note: My husband's deltoid was just starting to reinervate at his 6 month check (he also had a tricep branch moved to his delt). I know every surgery is different and everyone heals differently so I say that only out of encouragement-we were really starting to worry that we weren't noticing anything at the 6 month mark only to learn that things were just starting to roll, and the Mayo team was actually pretty encouraged by how quickly the nerve had grown- so don't get discouraged if the muscle isn't reinervated at the 4 month mark! Best of luck!