United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Pennsylvania Picnic Planned - we need your input asap
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Pennsylvania Picnic Planned - we need your input asap

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 11:15 pm
by Brachial_Plexus_Palsy_Foundati
This year we are going to try to do something a little different than we have in the past. But we'd like your opinions about it before we make our final plans and reservations.

Place: we are considering the NJ Aquarium or the Philadelphia Zoo or some other place that has built-in activities for the children (we are open to ideas)

Date: Saturday, September 21 or 28

Time: All Day

Doctors from TCH will network with families. We will also have the following sessions:

Session 1: Nancy Birk will give an inspirational talk about what it is like growing up with a bpi.

Session 2: OT will do a session on scars (to include scar massage, silicone patches, scar lotions, compression shirts, etc.)

Session 3: OT will do a general session on why e-stim and how it works, etc.

Session 4: CMT will do a session on massaging your child.

Session 5: OT will be available for general discussion.

and more!

There will be a charge that will include a group entrance fee and lunch. Scholarships will be available for those with financial need.

We need your feedback!
Who's interested in coming?
and do you have any other ideas?

Thanks in advance for all your input!

Tom & Trish Cirino - brachial@aol.com
& Francine Litz - francine@injurednewborn.com

Re: Pennsylvania Picnic Planned - we need your input asap

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:56 pm
by Beth
Wow this sounds great. We are absolutely going to be there. We are in NJ so the aquarium would be closer for us but either one is fine. Can't wait to see everyone. Count us in !!!!!!
Beth and Patrick

Re: Pennsylvania Picnic Planned - we need your input asap

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:59 pm
by Alice
Wow sounds great! I am going to the New York picinic, but would love to come to yours just for the speakers. They sound very interesting. The NJ aquarium sounds nice and is closer to me.

Re: Pennsylvania Picnic Planned - we need your input asap

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 3:04 pm
by Jess in MI
I think both would be quite a drive for us, Philly is probably a little closer but they're both pretty far! I'd be interested in attending, especially since the Chicago conference was canceled. Here are a few of the things I really was interested in seeing at the Chicago conf.

-TES seminar
-I really like how they had several bp specialists from different hospital
-Also the aqua therapy session, which would probably be hard to do without a pool!
-I also would be interested in some speakers regarding psychological issues for children who are differently abled , ways to deal with teasing, encouraging good self-esteem,

I also was wondering if you would be able to get any special rates at a nearby hotel. We probably could afford the transportation and admission fee but it's usually the lodging that makes things too expensive. Since it's too far for us to not make at least a 3 day trip out of it.

I'm really bummed about the Chicago Conf. I was really looking forward to attending something that would be fun for Lauren and give us a chance to meet other families but also be informational about many different topics at the same time.


Re: Pennsylvania Picnic Planned - we need your input asap

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 4:38 pm
by Allison
Count me in! I am 45 min from both. I live in Allentown, Pa. I will also open my home to anyone traveling a far distance. Just e-mail me:-) or call 610-437-0578. We can all pile in the minivan!

Re: Pennsylvania Picnic Planned - we need your input asap

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 12:26 am
by TNT1999
Wow!! This sounds great!! I've wanted to go to your picnic the past couple years and it hasn't worked out. I really hope to make it a reality this year. A zoo or aquarium both sounds like a great idea. I know some don't like the idea, but I really appreciate having drs at the picnics. The topics also sound very interesting. I've heard speak before and was really touched by her experiences. I'm also looking forward to the other topics such as e-stim, scar management, massage, etc. I can't really think of much input to give you since you really seem to have it all covered, but here's one small idea. I assume that you will have some kind of name tags (?), well, I think it'd be great to distinguish health care professionals' tags some way (like using a diferent color name tag or putting a special sticker on the name tag, etc.). I think this would be helpful so that therapists from different places could more easily network and also so that parents can easily get opinions from different therapists while at the picnic. I'm really looking forward to the picnic! Thanks. -Tina

Re: to Jess

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 1:00 am
by TNT1999
Jess?!?! Here?! I guess I've been off the board for a long time. Welcome!!! How are you? It's great to see your name here. I was quite surprised (pleasantly). I miss you. I hope you'll make the drive for this conference. I'd love to meet you and your family. Take care. -Tina (Nicole's Mom)

Re: to Jess

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:21 pm
by Jess in MI
Goodness Girl, you scared me!! I haven't been around these parts for several years. Wasn't sure if anyone would remember me. Hopefully, I didn't leave any bad stains! LOL But you remember me from some other place ;-) LOL I actually made my "re-appearance" a few days ago!

Would love to attend this conference but it would be a LONG drive!!! I'll let you know if we're going to make it. I'd like to meet you too!
