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Re: TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:33 am
by stmoffatt
I'm very new to this injury, just last month.
I've spent years working as a paramedic on an ambulance yet in my mind the only association that I had made with brachial plexus injury was in the traumatic delivery of a baby. So I've been doing some reading and trying to absorb the variety and severity of this injury. Somebody on this board who has more experience and knowledge may answer your question; I'm posting here really to bring your message to the top of the board.
Best wishes from the states.
Re: TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:18 am
by Mary Beth
I copied a note a I posted a while back and since that time the arm has gotten even better! so don't give up hope keep doing what the doctors tell you. PT is a must!!
Long time it feels, Work is going well. I did get the BEST shoulder brace it holds the shoulder up and back I love it. I have so much less pain and I'm doing PT 3X week and I got to start on a Machine Woo HOOO to help build those muscles up things are getting stronger and I'm so happy. I'm SLOWLY getting the arm up and out and things are coming back it will be one year in Dec. that my Injury accrued. So I think I might be one of the lucky ones...
Thanks for letting me share I'll keep you all posted
Mary Beth
TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:52 am
by trr_amesh
Hello to all are here
This is from T.R.Ramesh, (Age: 33) India.
I have met with motor cycle accident on Jan-2006 and I had an injury of TRAUMATIC BRACHIAL PLEXUS PALSY - GLOBAL AVULSION (RIGHT). (C5, C6, C8 and T1)
Because of TBPI, I went for surgery at Apollo hospital in Chennai (India) on Feb -2006. They have done \"Exploration and nerve transfer Right Brachial Plexus Spinal accessory to Suprascapular, Intercostals to Musculocutanes and Contra lateral C7 to Median nerve via Vascularised Ulnar nerve Graft\".
Please note that, as of now I am taking an Electronic Simulation treatment daily for keeping/maintain nerve and muscle alive.
I need a few quires/suggestion from all of here, for increase my self confident and mental preparation.
a) Still I am not feeling any improvement (positively) in surgery, which they have done on 2006, whether it is recoverable or not?
b) Still I am having 24-hour burning sensation and nerve temptation.
How long the pain will be? If any solutions for avoid the pain killer medicine?
Re: TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:41 pm
by diver
I will try to help
First you have come far to find a surgery, If this surgery did not help enough over time
Then its time to find another doctor for your pain issues and hopefully help more with movement and nerve issues:roll:
For B

Think of things to do and try using your arm ! and 1/2 arms, The greatest joy is in our trys in life small or big goals are equal

The positive is in our trys , even if it cause more pain by doing so

I really would rather be in more pain than more depress by not trying

I never had any surgeries or help for my birth erbs in the 50s, I will tell you that what work best is what I could straighten in my limited movements, finding ways to adapt is the challenge in life and realizing that you never ever fail by trying, we all move on by so many posting here
For pain and burning I like icing the never and scare tissue
Hope this help
Re: TBPI Injury is a recoverable or not?
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:24 pm
by vivekupadhyay090
ramesh I have same problem as urs how r u doing now any progress? I get my surgery done at aiims delhi 3 months before my arm has become thin.than the other one. I got injured on.Feb this yr.