United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • i just wanted to say hello
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i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:13 am
by clearyaj
My name is andy and i am a 31 year old guy living in St. Paul, Minnesota in the Merriam Park neighborhood. I have a brachial plexus injury from birth to my right arm and hand. It is a fairly severe injury as far as they go. I was a breech baby and frankly, had a big head! And was injured during birth. I was born and raised in Cleveland and had the benefit of wonderful medical care at the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals. That said, despite many surgeries there wasnt much to be done.

I was an avid athlete in my younger years and still remain very active so while my arm has always been an issue, it has never been an barrier to success.

I'm not sure why i'm telling you this other than because i just discovered this site and felt an overwhelming desire to connect. thank you for being here!


Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:25 pm
by veggiebug
Hello, nice to meet you and welcome. We all have different stories and yet we are very similar, but one thing is true of all of us, we are thankful just knowing we aren't alone. It was so amazing when I first went to camp and though I wondered if it would be beneficial enough, it was the most amazing experience to meet wonderful people and for a weekend I wasn't the outsider..and going home after was so much easier knowing that I have an entire support team out there.

They've helped me a lot, and mostly I came here at the beginning for the same reason, to just connect.

Now it's grown into so much more.

Welcome and remember no question is a dumb one, trust me I think I've tested that theory a little.


Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:14 am
by Joanie
Welcome Andy,

What part of Cleveland are you from? I was born in Mount Sinai Hospital in Cleveland. My parents took me to what was then Crile Hospital, the forerunner of Cleveland Clinic. Crile said that there was nothing they could do for me, so my parents went back to Mount Sinai.

I grew up in Cleveland Heights. Now I live in Twinsburg. There is a large age difference between us, so we wouldn't have known each other even if we'd been neighbors. I'm just curious.

Joanie, LOBPI, 59 years

Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:18 am
by marieke
Welcome to the site!
Glad that you have found us. I too was breech, but was preemie and just got stuck... the MD pulled and that was it, damage done.

There is another OBPI on the boards who is in Minnesota to, Amy. I am sure she will see this and reply too!

:) Marieke, LOBPI :)

Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:53 pm
by Charlie O
Welcome, Andy. I'm 46 years old, right-side OBPI. I was a 10 lb baby and a month late. Forceps did the rest.

I found this site a couple of months ago and it has really helped me gain a sense of community, update my understanding of my injury, and get medical facts.

I think you'll like it here. Lots of cool people.

Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:57 pm
by Kath
Welcome Andy
I think most of us found the site because we were curious. I was shocked to find out so many people had the same birth injury. Like most of us here you were raised like a normal child. I feel that was the best gift my parents gave me.

I did not know how much I wanted to meet someone like me until I found UBPN 9 years ago... Things have all been up hill since. Great people here and I loved meeting so many of them at camp.

Kath robpi/adult

Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:10 am
by TinaT
Hi & Welcome Andy

Just as Kath said, I was curious and looking for answers when I found this place, that was 9 years ago and I have been here ever since.

I was a 4 lb. preemie that jumped right out?? Ended up with a BiLateral BPI. Funny thing is, when I went looking for my birth/injury records no one could find them. I'm assuming you can figure that one out.

No worries though, I've had and continue to have a wonderful beautiful life. One of the BEST parts is all the caring compassionate friends I have met HERE. This is a Treasure Trove of information help and most of all understanding. Welcome Andy.

Tina 52 BiOBPI

Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:08 pm
by Carolyn J
WELCOME ANDY! to our UBPN Family-it is all that for me.
I found this web site at age 66(also the 1st time I had a name for our injuries) , been to 2 UBPN Family Camps and as Kath said it's been all up hill since. --such sharing and fantastic information and emotional healing.

There is no such thing as a dumb question on any of the Message Boards and everyone is welcome on all Forums.

Carolyn J
LOBPI/70--adult sometimes ;)

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:08 pm
by clearyaj
Well! What a nice welcome. Thank you to everyone that took the time to say hello and I look forward to being a regular participant on the boards. I'll keep my eye out for that MN member too!


Re: i just wanted to say hello

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:10 pm
by drunkinemu

My name is David. Im 22 from Southern California, born a 10lb baby + stupid doctor landed me here! Ya, didn't know there were so many people that shared the same injury as myself. My bp was my right side - I have some nerve damage in my arm and a slight disadvantage to muscle growth as well....but its not noticeable unless your totally looking....but I am super super self conscious about it - but reading around on the forums has been helping me alittle. Anyway, just wanted to say hi.