United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris
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New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 1:17 am
by francine

Re: New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 9:26 am
by njbirk
This is a wonderful website.
The information about how they make decisions regarding surgery and the explanations of what to expect are extremely helpful. And it is written in medical terms but is still understandable I think (or maybe I've just been around this stuff so long that this terminology has become second hand!)

Anyway, it is a great site to bookmark and we will have to add it to our lists of website resources here on the ubpn website.


Re: New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 12:21 pm
by Kathleen

I tried to go there and I only get a blue page...
Do you think its because I don't speak frence?
Or perhaps I am not familiar with medical terms..lol..
any help

Re: New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 12:24 pm
by njbirk
I had to scroll over to the right side of the page until you see the 'enter site' button. That will take you to the brachial plexus part of the site. It is then all in English.

Re: New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 3:10 pm
by Kathleen
I did that and all I get is a blank blue page...nothing else...no words...

I can't go any more to righ or left or up or down...
just blank but a pretty color blue...

Re: New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 6:47 pm
by lizzyb

Try waving the mouse-cursor around in the top left hand corner..I get a dodgy looking graphic of a hand come up right around there; if the pointer changes into a 'hand' it means its a 'hotspot' so just click there and you should get into the site...sorry if this seems like talkin down to ya...don't mean to be implolite!
Anyway, I'm not any better off...all I get is French language...and I haven't spoken/read that since high school many moons ago...!! ;0)

Liz xx

Re: New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 7:25 pm
by Kathleen
Thanks Lizzy

I tried and all I get is an arrow... no little hand to welcome me...duh they know I can't speak french...took spanish in high school...

Thanks for trying to help me...I appreciate it...

Re: New OBPI Site From Dr. Gilbert In Paris

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 1:40 am
by TNT1999
Thanks for posting this, Francine. It's a very interesting and informative site. I agree with the response that it's easy to understand (unless I too have learned waaayy to much about BPIs). It looks like they're still working on it b/c I noticed that some of the areas were empty. The color is a bit tough on the eyes though (for me anyway). Anyway, thanks again. -Tina