United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Happy Birthday Kathleen
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Happy Birthday Kathleen

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 2:04 pm
by njbirk
Happy birthday to you Kathleen.

Many wishes are headed your way for a wonderful day. We won't ask how many years young you are. Don't we get to start counting backwards once we reach 40 anyway?


Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 2:56 pm
by George
Happy Birthday Kath!!!! Hope your day is just fantastic!!!!


Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 3:47 pm
by Judy-T
Happy birthday Kath!!!! According to Nancy's calculations that would make you around 28. Hope you have a great day.

Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 3:48 pm
by Judy-T
Excuse me I mean 18 Kath

Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 6:38 pm
by Nancy (Eric's Mom)

Hope your birthday is as special as you are!

Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 10:24 pm
by Joy in FL

Normally I put "that was done in my best Mariyln Monroe voice" I have a lot of male friends! But since I am sure you don't want her singing to you... "that was done in my best Tom Selleck voice!!" You didn't know he could sing that well did ya!?

Have a wonderful day!

Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen thank U All

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 12:01 am
by Kathleen
Thank you for all the kind wishes...

I began to count backwards on my 50th birthday - I had a big surprise party... I am now younger then my nieces because they are not allowed to count backward until they are 50...it was my party I made the rule!!! ....LOL... I am now 38.... hmmm that was a good year...LOL....

The day was great...the kids came for dinner...my husband cooked...we have too many new babies to eat out...the house was soooo noisy... we ate all day... it is the first time we have had all four grand kids together because of little Megans immune system so it really was a very happy day... but I was glad to get back to the quiet of my computer...


Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen thank U All

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 12:56 am
by CW1992
Hi Kath - I just peeked over here on the adult side and saw that today is your birthday!!! It sounds like you sure had a happy one. Tons of food and family all together in a messy house.... sure made me homesick for my family! Happy Birthday!

Re: Happy Birthday Kathleen thank U All

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 1:00 am
by CW1992
Me again - I just realized that you said a "noisy" house and I read "messy" house - sorry! More proof that I can't see without my glasses that I never wear!