United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • MCS Works
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MCS Works

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:27 pm
by Janelle54
I’m pleased to say that MCS surgery works. I see De Eskandar on 9/29. I’m sure he will make the adjustment I need for the implants to reach from my wrist to my finger tips. It is so great not having pain from my shoulder down to my wrist. There are just not the right words to say how grateful I am for this procedure.
I was having tingling in my upper arm any time it was touched. It didn’t hurt but it felt weird to have your arm tingle just because it was touched. That feeling is gone.

I still have no feeling from my elbow down. I didn’t expect to get that back. I always had pain at some level in my entire arm. I don’t have that now. It is mainly the wrist down. Not bad considering. It’s also real nice to know that can be fixed too.

Evenings is when I have the most pain. That has not changed. The super intense pain is gone. I have severe pain. Believe me that is a huge improvement. I know that after I see the doctor my entire arm will be better.

I have the muscle transfer on 10/7. That does make me nervous but I feel better having had a surgery that worked. I have more confidence in the next one.

Re: MCS Works

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:18 pm
by swhite1
Super-Congrats Janelle. It thrills me to learn of a procedure that works. Especially for you.

Re: MCS Works

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:53 am
Janelle, I got your e mail. Im so glad the surgery has worked and hope the pain lessens as the days go by. Ill be in touch before your next surgery ! Thanks for the update !

Re: MCS Works

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:59 pm
by Janelle54
I’m blown away. My shoulder, arm, wrist, hand and finger DON’T hurt. This is the first time I can say this since 1/2/07. Motor Cortex Stimulation is the most amazing surgery. I thought
I would be happy to deal with pain that was not severe to excruciating. Mild to none depending on the area is something I never thought I’d see.

I am no longer having violent spasms. I have minor ones that are more internal. Sure is nice for my arm to not be flapping out of control. The spasms also increased the pain. No spasm no pain.
When Dr. Eskandar adjusted the implant he and John talked about which of the three sections to adjust and whether positive or negative was the right direction, what combination and what power level. I had no side effects from the implant. They asked if my face, neck, chest or shoulder felt any tingling. I didn’t. My arm did start to spasm violently. It took a little bit for the arm to calm down so that I could tell if the wrist, hand and fingers were feeling less pain.

Then Whoa! All of a sudden, the words coming out of my mouth were not the words I wanted to say. I had to concentrate to get the words in my mind to be spoken. Guess the implant was set too high. My tongue even tingled. They fixed it immediately and told me to keep talking.

I got to admit, I listened very carefully to be sure my words sounded correct. I told Mike to let me know if I sounded weird at all. I can’t be sure but I think I have some understanding of what a stroke victim feels like.

My remote can only be adjusted up or down one degree. At this time, I don’t plan on adjusting it.

If the muscle transfer effects, the MCS it will set the program back to the factory setting. If this happens, I’m to tell my nurse to call them. They’ll be right up to fix it. Sure is great to have all your doctors at Mass General Hosp.

Once I recover from the MT, I’ll be able to start getting off drugs. I’m so lucky to have the doctors I have. I’m on my way to start getting me back.
