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Question about CT scan?
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:05 pm
by dsk727
Have any of your little ones had a CT scan? If so where there any side affects from being mildly sedated for the procedure? Jocelyn is going in for a CT scan on 9/30 to determine which surgery is best (muscle lengthening or tendon transfer) I am a nervous wreck!!
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:56 pm
by F-Litz
how old is jocelyn?
CT scan is an extremely short test - it takes 2-3 minutes
so I don't know how old jocelyn is but maybe you can bring her when she's really tired to she can nap while they do it and avoid the meds?
the meds work but certain types make children very agitated afterwards....
but I'm curious why a CT scan and not an MRI - the MRI will show the soft tissue
also - if she'll still get a CT scan make sure it's set for a pediatric level of radiation.... ask about this
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:08 am
by dsk727
Jocelyn just turned 2 in August.
They said that they would have to mildly sedate her so that she lays still. The CT scan is set for 11am, which is near her nap time, but it's no guarantee with her if she'll go to sleep at the hospital? especially sicne she has to fast before hand she will be cranky.
They never mentioned MRI, i asked if an MRI was similar. She (Dr. Vanheest) wants to check her growth plates and shoulder joint, since all she has had recently is an x-ray. Should I be asking for an MRI instead of a CT scan?
I will remember to make sure and ask for pediatric level radiation. I read that one CT scan doesn't hurt a person but wasn't sure how it affected toddlers.
Any other things i should ask about? Some days I feel like all my reading and research still has left me not 100% knowing all i should know.
Mom to Jocelyn(2yrs) LOBPI
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:42 am
by F-Litz
The way I understand it - (and anyone who knows more of this than me please chime in) - is that in younger children CT scans don't show as much as they would like to see because there's a lot of cartilage still (that hasn't calcified).... an MRI will show the cartilage and all the soft tissue so it's the scan of choice for younger ones
however.... a two year old would have to be fully sedated and the MRI is about an hour long... so if you were to have an MRI, I would do it in a children's hospital facility (not an outpatient clinic) just in case extra help is needed with the sedation.
plus CT scans have the radiation risk
whereas MRI is magnetic resonance and I don't think it holds the same risk (although I may be wrong)
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:50 am
by marieke
Fran is right.
CT Scan uses x-rays = radiation, though they should set it for pediatric levels.
MRI uses magnets, no radiation, no possible effects from it.
CT Scan are quiet and are done fairly quickly. MRI are LOUD and take up to an hour.
Marieke 32, LOBPI.. have had many MRIs, CTs...
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:08 am
by dsk727
Interesting, thanks for the responses.
My understanding was that they want to see in 3D form how her growth plates are laying, if they are turned or really just smaller then normal. And also to see if her shoulder joint is also just in a weird position.
They said it depends on what they see in the CT to determine the surgery. The procedure is being done at Gillete Specialty Healthcare inside Region's Hospital in St. Paul MN.
is the radiation, even at pediatric levels a risk to her? Should I be telling them that I want an MRI? I would think with her experieince (Dr. VanHeest) that she would know best but maybe she is wrong? Which then would worry me for her doing the surgery! I should have asked sooner. Her CT is already scheduled for the 30th.
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:12 am
by marieke
I would not worry about the radiation levels from a CT. She is not having them often, nor does she get x-rays often. It's more of a concern if she were having these done many times a year...
Good luck with it all!
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:51 pm
by georgia's mom
My daughter had a 3D CT Scan in November 2007 after seeing Dr. Nath in October 2007 in Philly. We live in NC so I had to go to Greenville, NC where they had a pediatric sedation team that prepared her for the CT. The CT was ordered by Dr. Nath, after seeing her and recognizing that she needed surgery but needing to see more in detail, I guess that is why the CT was ordered. The preparation for the scan takes longer than the scan itself and the reason for the sedation is so they remain perfectly still to get the views they need. It probably took Georgia, my daugther 20 minutes to wake up, it was like she was taking a great nap. She didn't have any reactions afterwords and went to daycare in the afternoon. She didn't fight the "silly" juice and was asleep in no time. Best of Luck! I think these things are harder on the parents than the kids.
Re: Question about CT scan?
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:11 pm
by dsk727
Thanks so much for that post georgia's mom! I am very worried, but you helped set my mind at ease a bit.
She has only had 2 x rays so far and this will be her first and hopefully last CT scan.