United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Helping Hands: Walk for BPI
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Helping Hands: Walk for BPI

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:06 pm
by Tanya in NY
I'm just starting to organize a walk for BPI. It will probably be quite small (maybe even just my immediate family...who knows), but it will hopefully be an annual event. We're going to do it during Awareness Week (the 19th to be exact on the first day). We're going to raise money prior to the walk, contact our local newspaper about it, and then do the walk. All the proceeds are going to be donated to UBPN! The goal is to eventually get more and more individuals involved. Awareness and fundraising for UBPN all in one.

You can do it, too. It's taken no effort thus far really. I just picked a date, told my kids and husband, and sent out an email and word of mouth so far about it. I'll get more organized in time and over the years. You can make it as big or small as you want. You can advertise other families (if there are other BPI families in your area) to join you, too) and make it real gathering and fun event! Make it what you want.

I've created a fundraising page as well (hint, hint if anyone wants to contribute).


Good luck.

Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI

Re: Helping Hands: Walk for BPI

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:32 pm
by veggiebug
If you don't mind can I ask where in NY? I'm in PA and some parts of NY are a very short drive. Might be nice for Jack and I to do, he enjoyed me strolling him at the Relay this year.

Let me know, feel free to e-mail me direct if you wish.


Re: Helping Hands: Walk for BPI

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:22 pm
by Tanya in NY
We'd LOVE to have you, Traci! I think we are a bit of a distance, though. I'm near Utica, NY, which is about in the center of the state. If you'd like more specifics, then just let me know and I can get them to you. Thanks for the inquiry.

Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI 5 years old