United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • former patents of dr nath
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former patents of dr nath

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:57 pm
by joy donohoe
hi all my name is joy and i hope to be traveling over to see dr nath with my son mark who was diagnosed with bpn 6 years ago i am realy nervious as i live in ireland and only know of him through the internet so can any one put my mind at ease and reccomend him to me
look forward to hearing from you

Re: former patents of dr nath

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:45 pm
by joy donohoe
hi julia, thank you so much for your reply
my son mark is 29 and was diagnosed about 6 years ago with bpn but this year he has got worse also he gets very depressed so i am realy worried about him,
i have been doing alot of research and dr nath name keeps cocing up, but a lot of people are scaring me saying a lot of doctors over there are only out to make a quick buck, and being so far away i have no way of checking this out so i thought i could see if i could chat to some of his patents or parents who have any dealings with him and maybe put my mind at ease
thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me
look forward to hearing from you.


Re: former patents of dr nath

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:22 pm
by cbe411
Joy... feel free to email me as well!


Re: former patents of dr nath

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:24 pm
by lizzyb
Hi Joy,

Can I just say how sorry I am to hear about your son. You all must have been through some rough times these past 6 years and if there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask me.

My email is BlcE@aol.com and I am the chairwoman of the TBPI group (trauma brachial plexus injuries group) here in the UK. We are a registered charity and also have our own website and a messageboard similar to this, which is linked to the website.

We do have links with several prominent TBPI specialists in the UK and I can put you in touch with them. It is extremely important that your son sees a practitioner who is very experienced in treating adults because treatment between adults and small children and babies differs widely in many instances. I believe that Dr Nath is far more experienced in treating infants.

Please pass on my regards to your son. I think all of us in the TBPI group have suffered from depression in varying degrees over the years and we do fully understand and sympathise. If you go along to the website and folow the links to our messageboards you will find like minded people who have vast experiences of living with this injury.

All the best...hoping to hear from you..

Liz (15 years with a right arm TBPI)

Message was edited by: lizzyb

Re: former patents of dr nath

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:48 pm
by joy donohoe
hi lizzy,thank you so much for responding to me ,i am at my wits end i cant get any information on bpn here in ireland also there seems to be no specialists here either
im not sure if i am doing the right thing taking mark to america but i dont know who else to go to or where to go to please help
