United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Its been a long time-update
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Its been a long time-update

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:17 pm
by Chloesmom
Its been a year since I was here. Chloe is now three. I can remember the first time I posted here. I see so many new people here now. I remember when I spent every minute on this site learning as much as I could. Chloe has been a lucky little girl. She has healed well without surgery. She just stopped going to OT/PT which she went to until last month from the time she was born. We replaced OT/PT with gymnastics, swimming and ballet. She does daily ROM and I have her evaluated by Dr. Nath every year. Last time he looked at her was about 10 months ago. He said she didnt need surgery. That she didn't need Triangle Tilt. I had a second opinion...just to make sure. So far...so good. She does have good ROM. She keeps her arm bent went she walks be is able to extend fully. She has trouble reaching behind her back...but makes it work. She does everything any other child does....just sometimes in a different way. She's been through a lot in her short three years. I was a little uneasy about taking her out of therapy but the OT said it was time. Anyone I hope everyone is well and God Bless all of you and your babies.