United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Can anyone help????
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Can anyone help????

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:45 pm
by dimitrigirl
Can anyone help??? I am looking for a specialist in Illinois.My boyfriend was in a motorcycle accident in October 2007 since his accident he has seen doctors after doctors and no one could give him a straight answer or give him a answer on surgery... He has been diagnosed with Traumatic Brachial Plexus injury and has been to Mayo Clinic. Mayo said he would need 4 to 5 surgeries but and they could not promise a full recovery but he would be ok with some kind of recovery and no more pain. Mayo turned down his insurance, he has Illinois State Insurance. He even tried for charity care and was turned down. He is reaching the last stage before the nerves begin to die. PLease if anyone has any information for Illinois we would be so grateful

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:22 pm
by Christopher
I recommend calling the Mayo Clinic and seeing if the TBPI Specialists have any recommendations. The community of TBPI surgeons all know of each other. I'm not aware of any surgeons in Illinois that specialize in BPI.

Call up Johns Hopkins University in Maryland and see if your insurance is accepted there.

http://ubpn.org/medicalresources/be ... ntact.html

Dr. Belzberg is a top notch specialist with BPI. You are correct about the window of time closing. Surgery should be done between 4-6 months depending on injury.

Best of Luck,

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:27 am
by Mary Beth
I copied a few post about the Mayo.
Re: Seeking Advice
Posted: Mar 16, 2008 7:13 PM Reply

Mayo may be willing to help with a financial plan depending on income. I was making payments for my last surgery but it got to a point that with college my bills paying absolute minimun I was making 100 less a month than what my bills were. Thankfully my parents have been here to help me out but Mayo has a financial thing where they can adjust the bill to make it affordable to recieve care.

Doesnt hurt to call and ask! Good luck seeking treatment but I would not wait any longer to see a specialist!
Amy 21 years old ROBPI from MN

Posts: 251
From: Illinois
Registered: 10/21/03
Re: Seeking Advice
Posted: Mar 29, 2008 9:16 PM Reply

I have had over 10 surgeries @ Mayo and have a payment plans each time. Regardless to other posted entries on this sight the Mayo Clinic does NOT hold any descritomcies to your injury!!!

From: Beavercreek, OH
Registered: 11/28/07
Re: Seeking Advice
Posted: Mar 30, 2008 10:21 PM Reply

Hello Adrian and God Bless you!! I was told the window was 6 - 9 months, and my surgery was right at the 9 months back on 11 July '07. I crashed my motorcycle 8 Oct '06. I just started getting movement in my new bicep muscle a week ago this past Wed. I got movement in my tricep about four weeks prior to that. You have absolutely got to get on the ball. The number to the Brachial Plexus Clinic is (507) 538-1988. I had the team of three Dr's Bishop, Shinn, and Spinner. Give them a call if you haven't talked to anyone yet and see what they can do for you. My email is brent.randolph@zoomtown.com if you have anymore questions, I'd be glad to discuss with you. Take good care and have someone close in your family help you out! Your mind plays a big part in times like these, keep your head up and you can do it!!
God Bless,

Read and look at some old post you will find great information I just copied a few for you.

Best of luck..

Mary Beth

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:27 am
by dimitrigirl
Thank you Chris & Mary Beth for your responses!!!! I was up all night reading all the posted messages. I was in tears, Dimitri & I did not realize how many people have TBPI. He thought he was alone and after reading the messages it gives you a sense of hope.
I called John Hopkins this morning and they are another hospital that does not take Illinois State Insurance. I have called every hopital in the resources. I talked to Mayo this morning & they wants $136,811.00 by next week for his 1st surgery. I just don't know where is going to get that kind of money.
He has a appointment today at Northwestern Hospital in chicago, we do not know if they have any specialist there another doctor referred him to Northwestern & we searched the internet hoping we could get the answers we were looking for about Northwestern but we could not find anything. I will keep you post, hopefully I can post some good news !!!

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:41 pm
by Christopher
Call the Mayo clinic and speak to Dr. Bishop, Spinner, or Shin's scheduling nurse. If they ask why, say you spoke with one of the doctors and they told you to call back. When you get through to the scheduling nurse tell her your situation and tell her you desperately need a reference from one of the doctors for any neurosurgeon in the Illinois or Chicago area.

You boyfriend is lucky to have you fighting for him, don't give up and keep on pushing through. I'm convinced that the doctors at the Mayo must know of some worthy neurosurgeon in the Chicago area. Very few specialist will be able to replicate the work that the Mayo team can perform to bring back functional use of an injured arm, but something is better than nothing and your boyfriend is already really pushing the time limits on surgical repair.

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:36 pm
by ptrefam
I would call them like the others have suggested. Maybe you can get the Mayo and the insurance to work with each other and come to an agreement. Is the IL state insurance like Medicare? Dustin has WI medicare and Mayo accepts that.
However just in case you may want to try:
Froedtert Hand Center (Brachial Plexus Clinic) and
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Brachial Plexus Clinic
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53226

Phone: 414-805-5900
Fax: 414-805-6688
Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m

Don't know if they take your insurance but they are listed under the Therapy section of the resources so didn't know if you found them.
Dustin saw the Mayo team, but we also went to Froedtert to see a PT.

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:22 pm
by dimitrigirl
Yes, Illinois insurance is Medicaid. The State of Illinois agreed to pay but Mayo clinic said they will not accept it because Illinois pays like $0.30 on a $1.00. I know Mayo is a great hospital but I feel that since they found out we were paying with Medicaid they treated us differently. I called again today to try to get referrals and the answer I got was "it is not the doctors responsbility to find you a doctor".... I was very upset hearing this....
My entire family has been going to Mayo Clinic since I could remember and has donate money there. So for me to receive that kind of treatment was very unsettling and upsetting.
We are good people that come from good families, Dimitri was going to school to become a Broker and working for his Brother. Yes, he should of had insurance but no one thinks this is going to happen to them.
Actually his accident.... While dimitri was on his motorcycle someone cut him off and that person purposly did it...
I'm sorry I am venting but I have been holding so much in and trying to stay positive for Dimitri. His spirits are dying along with his nerves.
He went to Northwestern today and no luck, I schedule an appointment at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.
There is a doctor with some experience with TBPI....
I really hope this doctor can help.
Thank you for listening to me :)

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:48 pm
by brandonsmom
I live in Illinois too, my son has an injury from birth, but my suggestion would be to try Wisconsin Hoapitals !!! Most of them accept Illinois Medicaid !!1

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:32 am
by catchatrain
I was turned down by Mayo,Hopkins, Dr. nath,Zelger,Belzburg,Ala. Univ.,Dr. Peljovich and so on and so on. In my state I cant even get my lawyer to get me on disability. Thats pretty bad when the state turns down your lawyer. I have no insurance and not able to work either. Its been over two years know,going on three. So I have reached a point that I do not expect to get any help. I even hand mailed ever congressman and state rep. in all 50 states and got no encouraging news from anyone.

But thats just me.Dont give up hope.Bug the living crap for help out of anyone you can..

I cant help,,,,but I can say dont do like I have and stop trying......catch a train

Re: Can anyone help????

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:23 am
by dimitrigirl
Dimitri will be having surgery soon in St. Louis !!! I am so excited to start his road to recovery but also so scared and nervous. I just don't know what to expect!!