United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • moms with bpi?
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moms with bpi?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:19 am
by alex
Good Evening & hi to all.
I am now 5 months pregnant and have (left) OBPI.
I have been experiencing excruciating back pain since i was 10 wks. preg. Any one have advice for me? its progressively becoming worse daily. I rarely hear from moms living with BPI's on the boards....any out there?

Rachelcasa? judy? nancy?

Re: moms with bpi?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:24 am
by Nikki
Unfortunately backpain is a part of pregancy but i'm sure the lbpi is'nt easy either.Our daughter has a lbpi and i've often wondered how pregnancy would be for her. is backpain the only thing bothering u? are u having a c-section? good luck and best wishhes to u! sincerely, mom of 4yr old olbpi

Re: moms with bpi?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:56 am
by marieke
Try posting this on the OBPI Adult message board.. there are a few moms that post there and there may be afew on the Traumatic Injured board too.

Marieke 32, LOBPI

Re: moms with bpi?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:59 am
by Kath
I answered you on the adult/obpi board.
I had three babies so I guess I made it.
But I had major back problems with my pregnancies.
I think I am the only adult obpi posting that has had more than one child.
Kath robpi/adult

Re: moms with bpi?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:38 pm
by F-Litz
Hi.... I will suggest a few things for you...

(1) Prenatal Cradle


there are two kinds of the full cradle concept (get the FULL cradle rather than just the belly strap because you'll get upper back support, too)
this is an incredible product that will immediately make a difference

(2) immediately get a brand new pair of great supportive sneakers and for your regular shoes use SPENCO shoe inserts

http://www.spenco-arch-supports.com/Spe ... -1589.html
this is the 3/4 length thin orthotic
works like a charm - also used for plantar fasciatis with good results

(3) find a good chiropractor who has pregnancy experience and go often

(4) sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs.... the long full size pillows work well for some...

http://www.contourliving.com/p-22-conto ... olors.aspx

this stabilizes your hips at night

(5) workout in the pool as often as you can - do full range of motion - especially for your hips - find a way to get everything moving

Feel free to email me - francine@litzfamily.com
I am a certified pregnancy massage therapist, a birth doula and a mom to a kid with bpi and I have had parsonage turner syndrome. So I understand this on a personal level and professional level.

Hope you feel better really soon!

Re: moms with bpi?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:18 pm
by alex
Special Thank yous to Kath & Francine for sharing your very informative advice. I truly appreciate your wisdom and input...I am planning to order the "prenatal cradle" and contour pillow this week.

Francine, I wish I lived next door to you so I could be in contact with a certified pregnancy massage therapist! Wow! I had no idea. you are superwoman!

So , one more question- could you possibly refer me to a preg. massage therapist in south florida? Or am I pretty much on my own to find one? Just thought I would ask in case you knew of anyone in particular. Looking forward to hearing from you when you have a chance.

Re: moms with bpi?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:22 pm
by F-Litz
I don't know of anyone in particular and I went to the folks who trained me and they didn't have a very comprehensive list... so I just googled Pregnancy Masage Therapy in Southern Florida and I got this:


which honestly - look at their site... it looks fabulous
start there ok?

There is also a woman who lives near stewart (not a mssage therapist) but a midwife who received her training AFTER her son received a BPI - in hopes to help women birth without injury.... her name is Mary and I'm going to have to search for her last name...maybe someone on here remembers her?

email me anytime