United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • to all good luck in life
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to all good luck in life

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 11:08 am
by Dianna williams
i will more than likley not be back on the site,
No, i'm not the person that wrote all the bad stuff, i always used my name.
but with Errett's recovery and the new changes to the board , it is to much to handle now.
I dont like the new board! it is to hard to learn .i like to have never found how to post.
but if you see any new people on line that you think i might can help give them my e-mail and i will try to help them the best i can.
i will visit once in a while to see whats new, (try to visit)
Dianna (okla)

Re: to all good luck in life

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 11:45 am
by Nancy (Eric's Mom)

Please don't stop visiting this site. Your experiences with Errett's recovery are a positive and encouraging message. Your sharing has helped me tremendously! By the way, I showed Dr. Tiel the pictures of Errett that you emailed to me. He really enjoyed seeing them. Good luck to you all in the future but please hang around!

Re: to all good luck in life

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 8:33 am
by admin
Hi, i want to say your updates on your son's superb recovery have given a lot of folks some hope - a balance for the doom and gloom mongers like docs!!
Come back sometimes please to keep us updatd, thanks and good luck.