United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • possible lawyer problem???
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possible lawyer problem???

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:25 am
by mom_2x_2002
Hi Everyone,

Well I have found an attorney about 1 yr ago. I am from Wisconsin and he is from New Jersey. I have contacted him about 3 times now in the last month regarding Hannah's (2) (LBP) case and his assistant keeps telling me to be patient. Which I am not. She told me that the lawyer met with the expert OB doctor and he will let me know. I found out my statute of Limitations in WI is 3 yrs. What do I do if this particular Lawyer doesn't think I have a case? Do you think that another one would? Do I just let one lawyer work on the case in the mean time? Could you give me some advice? I don't want my time to run out..


Re: possible lawyer problem???

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:49 am
by karen r
Patient!? Over a year and you're supposed to be patient? I think red flags should be going off for you. Demand to talk to that attorney personally and tell him that you want the expert witness report now and a yes/no answer about taking your case now...or you're going with a different attorney. Leaving you in limbo is unprofessional. If I were you, I'd start researching a reliable attorney with bpi experience. If he's this slow to get things moving now, I wonder how long he'll drag the suit out?! In my opinion, I think 2 years or so is a good time line to complete everything and have a conclusion. He's already wasted a year!

Re: possible lawyer problem???

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 8:31 pm
by DD3kids
I totally agree with what everyone has said here. We had a lawyer about two years ago concerning child support and he kept putting us off like that. I did just what was suggested here. I told him he worked for ME and if he didn't have time to keep me up to date on MY case we would just go elsewhere. It solved the problem.
Good Luck to you and keep us posted.

Re: possible lawyer problem???

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 8:42 pm
by czmmom
I live in OH and our lawyer does these cases. I would demand answers and if you are not getting them let me know and I will get you the name of my lawyer.

Re: possible lawyer problem???

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 11:34 pm
by mom_2x_2002
Thanks for the great advice. I am going to write my email right now and if I get the same response I will call.


Re: possible lawyer problem???

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 10:56 am
by sharlon
if you haven't signed a contract with him for services i would continue to let him work on the case and start shopping for someone else. if you have signed a contract and he is on the fence at this time then he probably doesn't have the experience necessary to win the case cut him loose.

Re: possible lawyer problem???

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:30 pm
by mom_2x_2002
Can you have more then one lawyer searching the case? I didn't sign anything with him I think it was just something for him to beable to get Hannah's records.
