United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Board procedure change
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Board procedure change

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:56 pm
by jep98056
Hello everyone;

For the past few months our message boards have been subjected to spam topics some of which are highly offensive. Our moderators have been taking the spam down as soon as possible but some are opened by forum visitors before the moderator notices them. We have been reviewing our options to deal with this problem and have concluded that the only near term solution is to review and approve each new topic prior to putting it up on the message boards.

This means that new topics will not be immediately seen on the Message Boards. We will make every effort to review and post the new topic as soon as possible. Once the new topic has been approved, responses will go up immediately, without moderation, since it only the new topic that must be approved by the moderators.

Thanks for your patience and understanding for this procedure change. The spam messages have been a nuisance for us also. The necessary software changes are being prepared and will be implemented in about 48 hours.

Please e-mail me if you have any questions.

John P.