United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Increased nerve pain following surgery
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Increased nerve pain following surgery

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:04 pm
by bensmom
I am sure, just like everything else with this injury, that everyone responds differently, but I just have to ask. My husband had nerve surgery 2.5 weeks ago (moved tricep nerve to deltoid and also poked around and tested some bicep nerves, but didn't end up doing any surgery there). The pain for the first week and a half was really not bad at all, I was shocked. He was down to tylenol the morning after surgery (he hasn't been taking any other pain meds since last fall). For the past week though the nerve pain has really, really ratcheted up terribly. He's considering going back on neurontin, though he really doesn't want to. I'm hoping once the immobilizer is off and he can stretch and his whole body is more comfortable that the nerve pain will ease up- just wondering if anyone has experienced this amp up in pain, and whether it seems to ease up after a bit.