United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • New - looking for info
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New - looking for info

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:21 am
by rootintootin
Hi Fellow Brachials:

On September 1 last year, a utility trailer got loose from a car ahead of me, and crashed into my car - with the trailer tongue taking out my brachial plexus and lest arm. Nerve roots were pulled out of the C6,7 and S1, 2.

I have some movement in my fingers ('inward' only), but only passive movement in deltoids, bicep, tricep, shoulder, elbow and wrist.

I am being scheduled for a nerve transfer in April, to ennurvate the bicep ... with the hope of being able to move at the elbow. ANY FEEDBACK ABOUT THE EFFECTIVENESS AND 'UPS AND DOWNS' OF THIS SURGERY??

I'm 53, and hate the idea of spending 60% of my waking life ... trying to recover 10% of 5% of my body. But I'm relatively new to BPI - so any suggestions, thoughts, ideas, feedback would be great.

Re: New - looking for info

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:59 pm
by peter1
Congrats on getting the Surgery. I had mine feb 06 at The Mayo. I'm able to bend my elbow now with no problem. I'm still working on holding weight over 2pds. I'm getting some of the weight I had back into my left side with the exception of my shoulder. That's improving slower.

Ups- after a few months you'll see the muscle mass coming back into your arm, then when doing the exercises they tell you, you'll start to see your arm twitch and if you keep at it, it'll move on command.

Downs- you'll never feel like it's happening fast enough. Just keep at the therapy. After the surgery, my pinky was really numb with the pins and needles, but thats only because the nerve they used was attached to my pinky area.

Alot of ppl don't notice my injury right away. Good luck and don't be like me. I used to post here for inspiration until I started seeing results. My depression ended and stopped coming here that I even forgot my password. Keep coming back so the ppl can see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Re: New - looking for info

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:13 am
by rootintootin
Thanks for the feedback.

Any other observations from people??

Re: New - looking for info

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:27 am
by Ripp
I would be encouraged that doctors are suggesting and planning any procedure. That has to mean they believe there is real reason for you to be optimistic about some improvement. By the time I had recovered from the other injuries I had received, and because of where the damage was done to the nerves beneath my collar bone, doctors won't try any procedures. I guess I'm better off than many, tho. I have almost full use of my shoulder, and the bicep works pretty good. No tricep and no finger movement.

So best of luck to you! Physical therapy works wonders, too.

Re: New - looking for info

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:26 am
by shaunnb
so sorry to hear you joined the club that know one really wants to be a member of.I think any chance to recover that function is more than worth it. so the surgical option for me is a definite. i have had 2 surgeries now, the last on the 27th of october 2007; for c5 & c6 injuries. It now seems that all three heads of my deltoid are recovering, and waiting on the bicep. Its amazing how much you miss those little things that i took for granted before. it grant that the waiting, the random pain, etc...are a pain in the a**.but it is worse not having that functionality. so i do without a doubt think that any chance we have of recovering, we should take it.


Re: New - looking for info

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:07 pm
by swhite1
WOW! Stabbed by a trailer! What a story.

Take a look at the postings which begin with
Those two should help some.
