United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Dr. Kozin at Bassett Healthcare 2/20/08
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Dr. Kozin at Bassett Healthcare 2/20/08

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:34 pm
by Tanya in NY
I just wanted to say that Dr. Kozin came to Bassett Healthcare (the hospital where I work) to do Interdepartmental Grand Rounds today for us. I asked him a few months ago if he'd consider doing it and he agreed, knowing that it would only be about 1 hour worth of time to speak. He was well received, and did a phenomenal job. I felt like a complete idiot doing the introduction as I feel like I stumble and say "umm" a lot, but I probably didn't. My daughter Amber was there as well (she wanted to come along just to say hi to Dr. Kozin), and she gave Scott great big hugs and kisses. They talked and talked about how his dog is named Amber, too.

Just a thought...if anybody has connections in a hospital setting, why not ask your BPI specialist and the hospital where your connections are if they can do a talk? Share the information.

Have a great night.

Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, 5 years old

Re: Dr. Kozin at Bassett Healthcare 2/20/08

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:31 am
by hope16_05
Great going Tanya!!! Keep up that awareness. And how cool of Dr. Kozin to just chill with Amber for a few. Hes a very cool guy.
Great suggestion for awareness too. Thanks for sharing.