United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Help my Doctor WonT! (Nerve Damage)
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Help my Doctor WonT! (Nerve Damage)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:01 am
by Kyzar
My story goes back about 7 years when I was very young and very dumb living for today and never tomorrow. To make a long story short I was 17 hang out with my friends Drinking and I the genius decide to ride my bike home completely shit faced, next thing you know I'm waking up in the hospital with my back in horrible pain and a Right Arm from the shoulder almost down to the Elbow completely numb. The horrible thing is I have no idea how this happened so its was hard to explain my injury to my doctor I suppose. Initially my doctor told me its a nerve injury and will be fine in 6 months which turned into 1.5 yr s, then 5 yrs and a X-ray,the 6 yrs and some physiotherapy and back to square 1. I believe I pretty much self diagnosed myself from reading information off of a few websites, I believe its Axillary Nerve Damage.

Ive been working out for almost a year and cannot progress my lifts due to the right shoulder it effects my bench press, shoulder raises, and basically any exercise that involves my shoulders. I have about 40-50% strength in my right shoulder compared to my left and about 40% feeling on the skin of my shoulder.

I went to my doctor the other day and demanded a EMG (Feb,13th) which seemed to irritate him when I asked. From what I am reading I feel a bit depressed because its been 7 years and most of what Ive read seems to say this should have been dealt with within the first 6 months. My question is Do I have any hope to regain the strength in my arm threw surgery or rehabilitation of some sort? Or will this haunt me for the rest of my life?

Thanks Kyzar

Message was edited by: Kyzar

Message was edited by: Kyzar