United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Hi Does anyone have this problem
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Hi Does anyone have this problem

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:06 pm
by Keiarra's Mom in GA
My daughter is 8 years old and she is LOBPI she doesn't have much feeling in her fingers so she bites them until they bleed. Has anyone else had this problem with their child and if so what can I do to stop this problem. I have tried many options. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

Re: Hi Does anyone have this problem

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:25 pm
by marieke
There have been many posts on this.. take a look at these threads. You can also use the Search option.
There are a few suggestions on these threads..

http://ubpn.org/messageboard/thread ... 4680#14680

http://ubpn.org/messageboard/thread ... 3879#43879

http://ubpn.org/messageboard/thread ... 287#132287

http://ubpn.org/messageboard/thread ... 1963#81963

http://ubpn.org/messageboard/thread ... 1371#61371

hope some of these work for you!
Marieke (32, LOBPI)

Re: Hi Does anyone have this problem

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:09 am
by Mare
Frankie did this also. He was 3 and biting the back of his hand and his finger tips. At eight she should be able to kind of tell you why she thinks she is doing this. Ask her if her hand starts to feel tingly before she starts biting this is one reason doctors say bitting occurs. Putting stuff on the nails that tastes bad is fine but becareful putting it on the skin it can cause irratation. When does she bite? Frankie used to chew on his had while falling asleep at nap time or if he woke up in the morning and didn't come right out of his crib. Try wrapping her hand in alot of gaze then tape it then put a mitten over it and tape it. Splinting is ok to but remember if she has to wear it all day it prevent her from moving her arm and you don't want that. If you have a bpi doctor you could email them for ideas. Frankie did this 11 yrs ago and the doctors had never seen this behavior but now it seems quite common in BPI kids so maybe they have some ideas. Left me know how it works out. Mare

Re: Hi Does anyone have this problem

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:29 am
by jordan1
My son who is a year old has no movement or feeling in his left arm and he also bites it and leaves a lot of bruises and bite marks on it. My therapist from the hospital gave me something called control it and it is for people who bite there nails, so i use it for his arm and he really doesnt do that much anymore.