United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Who are the good Doctors for BPI surgery?
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Who are the good Doctors for BPI surgery?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:37 pm
by JoJo
Was hit by a car while getting equipment out of my ambulance last year, and got pulled back into the car's wheel-well. Think that I might have to get surgery, physical therapy not working. Am not as bad as some of you all out there, but lose all motor control and feeling with any activity...anyway, anyone have doctor recommendations in the New Jersey area?

Re: Who are the good Doctors for BPI surgery?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:19 am
by ptrefam
If you click on "Resources" at the top of the page you can find drs in your area. There should also be a questionaire that they have filled out. Make sure you see a BPI specialist that has experience with traumatic injury. OBPI and TBPI seem to be different. We are in WI and took our son (18 at the time of his accident) to Mayo in MN. They have an excellent team. One of the best in my opinion. Good luck with your search.

Re: Who are the good Doctors for BPI surgery?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:47 pm
by Mare
Dr Nath will be here seeing people on Jan 13,14,15 in Newark New Jersey there is no cost for this evaul you can contact Francine to get an appointment at drnathclinic.com Good Luck Mare

Re: Who are the good Doctors for BPI surgery?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:33 pm
by trimommy
Hi. I saw Dr. Scott Wolfe at the Hospital for Special Surgery. in NYC. I ended up having my surgery at the mayo clinic, but Dr. Wolfe is very good as well. He is listed in the resource section, or you can call HSS direct.
Good luck!

Re: Who are the good Doctors for BPI surgery?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:34 pm
by EllenB
You're probably not very far from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland. Dr Allan Belzberg is a highly respected surgeon there who sees a lot of BPI patients. My son went to the team at Mayo Clinic, and we think they are incredible - but they respect Dr. Belzberg enough to refer patients to him. I think both clinics can offer similar surgical options.

Take care,


Re: Who are the good Doctors for BPI surgery?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:04 pm
by d1sillusiond
Dr Zager, At Penn performed my surgery. Two of them. I now have some bidcep and maybe a little should back as well. he is very good. i didn't expect to get as much back i have and i am not even a year out of surgery.