United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • SPLINT IS OFF!!! :)
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Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 4:06 pm
by alyssasmome

Today is Alyssa's 8 week mark and the splint is off!! She is so excited to not have to wear it anymore. We met with the therapist at 7:30 this morning and she slowly removed the splint and helped Alyssa to get her arm down. She did so well it was truly amazing. Her elbow is a bit swollen from being straight for so long and the therapist said to massage it and give it a couple days and it should be ok. She checked the shoulder etc. and says it all looks good and she is in the socket! Alyssa does not have to wear her splint at night for the additional 8 weeks so we are so thrilled about that! I was so nervous about taking the splint off, much more than Alyssa. Glad it is over :) Now we begin therapy!

Jody Gallette & Alyssa


Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 7:36 pm
by blakesmom
Glad you are finally without the splint!!Exciting, isn't it? Alyssa had caps, right? You are without the splint at night,too? Did the doctor order it that way? I'm asking because Blake had caps and biceps done and is 11weeks post op, Dr. Nath said he only needs to wear the splint for a total of 5 weeks now instead of 8, so I was wondering if protocol changed for you,too. I think we are going to keep it on for the full 8, just have to see how he is doing. Wonderful to see the arm in socket, isn't it? Glad everything is going so well...

Crystal S.


Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 11:36 pm
by Karrie -- Md.
Glad to hear Alyssa did so well with her splint removal. Kyle's 8 week's is tomorrow although he still has to sleep in his for an additional 8 weeks. He has been slowly moving his arm a little the last couple of nights during his scar massage. But he won't put it down. I hope it is an easy transition for him. We are scheduled for the pool Thursday so we'll see how that goes. Give our best to Alyssa. I hope she continues to do well.
Karrie & Kyle


Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 8:04 am
by francine
Congratulations!! and wow no more 8 weeks for bailey?? you lucky ducks!! the results took maia a while but she looks so good. It's so nice feeling an arm in the socket and seeing the definition of the shoulder return. She's so proud of her new range too!

I wish you all good luck as you go through these final stages of recovery.



Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 8:05 am
by francine
ohmygosh I said Bailey...not allysa...where's my head!
please forgive me LOL - I am such a goof!


Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 12:40 am
by TNT1999
Karrie, gosh I feel bad, I didn't realize when we were chatting tonight that tomorrow is the big day. I hope it goes well for Kyle (and parents). Please update us when you have a chance. -Tina


Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 12:42 am
by TNT1999
Hi, Jody! YEAH for Alyssa (and for you too). I'll bet you won't miss that splint. We sure do NOT miss Nicole's caps splint. I hope Alyssa's recovery goes well. Take care. -Tina