United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • videogame controllers
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videogame controllers

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:07 pm
The holidays are upon us once again and I am hoping to surprise Jody with a controller just for him. He is 3, and has ROBPI (NO hand function)

Are there any good one handed controllers for xbox or xbox 360?

How hard are they to use(3 year old)? Add to this that he plays xbox now with a regular controller and just sits it on the floor and uses one hand.

Thanks- MArlyn

Re: videogame controllers

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:40 pm
by brandonsmom
Brandon is 9 and has a robpi with a little hand function and does awesome with whateven controller we give him. We tried to get him one for just him, but he didn't like it because it was different than he siblings. GRRRR !!! Brandon has every system there is....XBOX/Playstation two and WII !!! The WII is the best. I love to watch him do his theraoy and he thinks he is playing LOL !!!


Re: videogame controllers

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:37 pm
by Mare
Frankie can play any controller given him and he has no left hand function. Frank always refused the one handed gizmo's and in a way its better since now at 14 he can go to a friends house and play with there things without feeling weird.He also refused to use a one handed keypad and does just fine without one, he types really fast and texts even faster. Mare

Re: videogame controllers

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:56 pm
by timmygirl711

My name is Kelly and my fiance is a RTBI since Feb 2007. I have been looking for controllers for the X-Box and Playstation 2 ever since the accident. He has no function in the right arm. I have searched everywhere and found nothing. Anyone that could tell me what they use would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Re: videogame controllers

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:18 am
by Jamin

http://ablegamers.com/component/option, ... temid,101/

http://www.game-accessibility.com/index ... efile=home

There's a few to get you started. It's not about just being able to play the games, it's about beating your friends with two hands. To do that, you usually need to have a controller that works for you.