United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • sling is off
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sling is off

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:59 pm
by marian
i just rectenly got my sling off and i am experienceing some weird happenings and was wondering if they were normal. first my arm is very stiff and does not want to move much. second my my tricep twitches in stead of one hard flex.

Re: sling is off

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:40 am
by srhykerd
That is what happened with Melanie also. She did limber up after her splint was taken off and when she first started getting muscle movement it started out as just twitches of her muscle and it kept on improving to an actual purposeful contraction. These are pretty much "normal" feelings.

Re: sling is off

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:47 pm
by herff94
Hey Peter~
How are you???
All you are describing is completely normal. This is a very frustrating injury and progress from surgeries (on nerves) is a very slow. It takes patience and a lot of work. I know how you feel. You just want to get back to your old life and forget about this injury. I'm sorry to say but you can't. Hang in there-it gets better. Call if you need anything.