United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Need help!!
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Need help!!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:06 am
by Smiley210
Hello! This is the first time I am posting a message. About a year ago, I met the love of my life. We both lived in the same town, so we have known each other for some time. I was deeply saddened the day that he was hurt. He recovered from a massive head injury, the bones on the right side of his face and head were broken, a broken back, broken neck and collarbone, broken scapula, broken ribs, torn ligmanets, and of course....the brachial plexus injury. He has avulsion of the C5 and C6. This injury has left his right arm immoble. This past December he underwent tendon transfer surgery, which has given him more stability in his wrist and more use of his forearm. The doctors have mention having his shoulder fuzed, but we are against this procedure. But the reason that I wanted to post... he has always been an avid hunter. He loves the outdoors. I want to offer him my support in getting back into this pleasure of his, but need some help. I am not sure how he could hold the gun. I have heard of the bi-pods and tri-pod shooting sticks, but uncertain on what would be the best for him. I know that this is a touchy subject for some people and I apologize if it offends you. But everyone has a pleasure in life, and this is one of his. So, if there are any hunters that have advice, it would be deeply appreciated.

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:28 pm
by timmygirl711
Hi! My fiancee is also an avid hunter and fisherman. His accident was this past March and he had surgery this past July, so unfortunately, he won't be able to hunt this year. We have talked about how he is going to hunt when he is ready to and have come up with a couple of ideas. This first and best one is to hunt with a pistol instead of a shotgun. He was working on getting a pistol permit prior to the accident and has gotten a full unrestricted permit. He will have to shoot one handed and may start shooting with a smaller caliber gun until he is stronger and more confindent with a larger gun. As far as a shotgun goes, he have thought about making some type of rest for his tree stand but really haven't come up with anything yet. I think that the best bet is to try it out and see how each product works. Good luck to you two and please post again and let us all know how you made out!

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:45 am
by hope16_05
I thought I would chime in, although I am not tbpi I do have a bpi but mine is from birth. But anyway I am also a hunter! I love to go hunting and cant wait for this years deer season! What I have found works best is making the deer stand. My dad makes me a stand that is fully enclosed (roof and every thing) then he cuts windows into it which we have perfected over the years to actual sliding windows. (I have a heated stand as I dont like it when my arm is so cold) So What I do is when I see a deer is very carefully open the wondow and then get my gun up and rest it on the window sill. THat way it is steady and you can get a great shot! I have also come up on deer while walking to my stand and lucky for me there was a fence line to rest my gun on so I could get a good shot.
You just have to be adaptable and for me anything that is near by to rest my gun on is an awesome help!

Good luck to your hunter man!!! Dont let him give up on it! It is a really great pleasure sport!

Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN
(patiently waiting for November to come!)

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:48 pm
by Smiley210
Thank you to all of you that posted. It is nice to know that people are out there dealing with the same issues. I am happy to let you know that he has been turkey hunting. We ordered a product on line from Levellok. It has a cradle lock that secures onto the gun with adjustable bi pod poles. It seems to work well for him. He has not got any game, but he got his pride back! He is going to try this for deer season as well. I just hope that he gets one!

We were also at the doctor the other day and they released him from his visits. They said that there is nothing more that they can do for him. We accept that. I also made him an with pain management for the electrical shock he gets in his thumb. They gave him Lidoderm patches to put on the thumb and it works well for him. He does not need to stop what he is doing to grab his thumb to ease the pain. So we move on and upward from this point. Well take care of yourselves and look forward to talking with you in the future!

Re: Need help!!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:43 pm
by hope16_05
Thats awesome that he is hunting again!!! I wish him the best of luck and hope he gets some game soon! I am also going deer hunting. Hoping to get one this weekend, we shall see.
Keep us posted,
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN