United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • New and looking for answers!
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New and looking for answers!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:20 pm
by Heidi
I am a nurses aide and work in a nursing home. About 3 weeks ago I hurt my shoulder while lifting a resident. I thought it was just a pulled muscle at first. It didnt hurt too bad until a few days later. I woke up with such pain to the back of my shoulder that radiated into my arm. I couldnt move my arm. Didnt work for 3 days. I went to the chiropracter a couple times, iced it and started taking Aleve for the pain. Pain did go away but now I have noticed a sharp decline in strength in that arm. I use to lift weights , now I cant lift a 5 lb. weight past my waist. I havent been to the doctor yet, but was doing research and this condition sounds just exactly like what I am experiencing. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor next week. Any one with any comments or suggestions I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Thanks, heidi

Re: New and looking for answers!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:12 pm
by Wendy Lee
Actually Heidi, it could be anything. I think usually BP pain is longer lasting in the arm before stuff goes numb. Do you have full range of motion all around? Can you shrug your shoulder at all without dropping it forward?

Not sure if BP pain goes to the back of the shoulder, but a lot of other nerves do. You could have stretched the Accessory nerve, Long thoracic or even tore muscle. Maybe even did a number on the joint capsule. What did the chiro say about it?

Not sure is lifting a resident is going to put enough point force to tear a nerve in the BP, stretch yes, but tear, not sure. I would continue with the ice alternating it with moist heat, ice for swelling for 10 minutes or so, then 10 -15 with heat, ice, heat and then end on a 10 minute icing to push out the inflammation. If you could manage this every day, 2-3 times a day while taking meds, it certainly should help.