United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Musician with tbpi?
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Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2002 11:31 am
by Bridget
I just read this in today's azcentral.com:

"Mustaine's severe injury spells doom for Megadeth"

byLarry Rodgers
The Arizona Republic
April 04, 2002 12:00:00

The pioneering metal band Megadeth, led by Scottsdale's Dave Mustaine, is breaking up after 20 years because of a serious injury suffered by the frontman, the band's publicist says.

Mustaine, who sang and played guitar in the platinum-selling group, suffered severe nerve damage to his left arm and hand during a January visit to Texas, according to Chipster Entertainment. Details of the injury's cause were not provided.

"My doctors tell me it will take about a year to make as complete a recovery as I can," Mustaine, 40, said in a statement. "God willing, I hope to play guitar again."

Megadeth recently released Rude Awakening, a live double CD recorded at Phoenix's Celebrity Theatre last fall.

Mustaine, who helped found the supergroup Metallica in 1981, left in 1983 to form Megadeth.

Powered by slicing guitar work and Mustaine's brash vocals, Megadeth sold millions of CDs with such songs as Hangar 18 and Symphony of Destruction.

Mustaine has two young children with his wife, Pam.

Anyone know anything else about this? I'm not a heavy metal fan personally, but I do live in Phoenix and could try to make contact if he has a tbpi. What do you guys think?


Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2002 1:38 pm
by dennisbk
I couldn't find the cause either, but I did find a more detailed description. From www.megadeth.com:


During the first week of January, 2002, while Megadeth was on hiatus, in Texas, I suffered an injury which caused severe nerve damage to my left arm and hand. It was diagnosed as Radial Neuropathy - specifically, a "compressed radial nerve." My doctors tell me it will take about a year to make as complete a recovery as I can, and even then, we don't know how complete that is going to be. I am working hard with a great team of doctors and physical therapists daily, and God willing, someday I hope to play guitar again.

Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2002 2:08 pm
by admin
If you ever watch VH-1's behind the music, you will find out more than you would care to know about Dave Mustaine. VH-1 does these series on rock stars - Their destructive lifestyles, partying, womanizing, severe drug addictions etc.... I beieve the one on David and MegaDeth ranks up there with the exploits of Motley Crue. I would recommend watching this prior to contact - He is a bit unbalanced...

Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 7:37 am
by lizzyb
...I'm sorry to hear about David Mustaine's injury, and I sincerely hope he can regain as much function in the injured arm as possible, and return to doing what he obviously loves.

I think it's a great idea to try and contact him...I'm certainly going to try. The lifestyle he leads and what he chooses to do to earn a living is totally beside the point; people from all walks of life get injured, and all deserve to be offered support, regardless. Don't believe ALL the myths that programmes like these would have us believe; not everything you see is in fact truth.....

Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 12:26 pm
by Bridget

I agree with you, anyone with this injury deserves support and the opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges to share information.

Let me know if you have any success.


Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 10:15 am
by George
yes.......and I have things in my past that I'm not real proud of, but I really think that those things are irrelavent to being treated for an injury. EMT's don't discriminate when they pick one up. The priority is saving a life, and/or getting them to a treatment facility asap. None of us are perfect and we all do things that others will not agree with. But it would be foolish not to lend support to someone in need.....especially someone with this life altering injury.

Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 8:23 pm
by ocnsky
I agree, there should be no discrimination about the cause or results leading to any injury. Mustain is an artist, even if you don't like his way of expressing it, some do. If he walks away with the outcome I and my family have endured, I feel for his whole family. I was really into guitar and this is something I sorely miss. One handed keyboard just is not the same!
As far as VH1 is concerned; I think it was a a Megadeath album that said "peace sells, but who's buying it"
Maybe we can turn this post into something more positive; are there any musicians out there with BPI, and what kind of instrument do you play?

Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2002 7:41 am
by jennyb
well, for a start, that bloke in Def Leppard plays the drums with one arm....my husband promised to teach me to play the harmonica which apparently is easy with one hand...12 years later I'm still waiting...

Re: Musician with tbpi?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 6:58 am
by lizzyb
I'm bouncing this one to the top again to post these two links that jen has posted on the OBPI board, just in case anyone who would be interested in this hasn't seen it...(hope you don't mind jen...!)

Both these sites are WELL worth a look...I feel quite inspired meself now to take up playing summat...! (well...I sure as hell can't sing!) :o)


