United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Any good tbpi doctors in india?
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Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:45 am
by raghu
Hi All,

I am aged 30 yrs, residing in Bangalore, India .Three months back, I met with a car accident. In the accident, my left upper limb was injured. It was diagnosed as "Fractured proximal third of left humerus with Brachial plexus palsy". The surgery they did was "Open Reduction Internal Fixation with DCP plate screw". After the accident, I am unable to move my left elbow, wrist and fingers. Doctors advised me to give it some time to see, whether the nerve injury will heal naturally.
Now, even after 3 months, there is no any improvement in my left hand. I can't still move the fingers, wrist and elbow and shoulder. It is completely paralyzed.

Recently, I have gone through, nerve conduction studies and MRI for cervicle spine & brachial plexus.

The EMG report concludes:
" The electrophysiological study shows evidence for left panbrachial plexus injury however; there was no evidence for a root avulsion during the current evaluation."

The MRI reports says:
"left C7 nerve root avulsion with pseudomeningocoele at C6-7 level. Extensive injury involving left brachial plexus."

I met with few neuro surgeons; they all suggest surgery. But, they all tell different success rates and different regain potentials.

This week, I am planning to see Dr. Anil Bhatia of Pune. Will update after that.
In the meanwhile, if any of you hv any opinion on Dr. Anil Bhatia or recommend any doc. in India , pls. let me know.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:55 am
by ptrefam
When you click on the "Resources" tab at the top of this page, then click India the only dr I see listed is Anil Ghanshyam Bhatia, MD. If you click there you can read a questionaire he filled out. Looks like you are headed in the right direction.
Good luck with your appointment.

Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:43 am
by raghu
Oh Yes... Thanks, I hadn't checked that page.
Will update after meeting him.


Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:42 pm
by richinma2005

Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:17 pm
by raghu
yes. I had seen this paper. And in my case, there is little confusion. EMG report shows "no evidence for root avulsion" and MRI says, nerve C7 root avulsion.

I have also read in this philips (MRI machine maker) paper that "Unfortunately pseudomeningoceles can occur without nerve root avulsions, and nerve root avulsions can occur without pseudomeningoceles" (here : http://www.medical.philips.com/main/new ... o2/ves.pdf)

And after doing extensive study on bpi, I learnt that, the confirmation test is intra-operative; meaning, during the surgery the surgeon will see the nerves actually, and do some conduction studies. And, with the present information, only this seems to be a confirmation test.

So. let's see what my surgeon says.

Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:17 pm
by Christopher
Sorry about your injury, but it looks like you're on right track.

I remember reading about Dr. Anil Bhatia when I was heavily researching options for my injury 4 3/4 years ago. He was transferring the uninjured side C7 nerve to injured arm and hand nerves before anyone was doing that here in the USA. I had a half C7 transfer done at the Mayo Clinic here in the USA in April of 2003, and I believe I was one of the first few ever done here in the USA. I don't even know if anyone in the USA is even transferring the whole C7 nerve yet, only half of it. As far as I know from my own research, he is your best option for Brachial Plexus Injuries in India.

Best of luck to you, and keep us updated on what Dr. Bhatia recommends, I'm very curious about what what he would do. The fact that your EMG is positive is great, I've had better accuracy with EMGs in regards to my BPI than MRIs.




http://www.wockhardthospitals.net/onlin ... bhatia.asp


Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:39 pm
by raghu
Thanks. Wednesday, I will meet him. I will update the suggested surgical solutions, that he recommends.


Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:51 pm
by shafali
Hi Raghu,
This is Shafali...basically I am from USA..but I am in India right now...my husband had this tbpi and he had 4 nerve roots avulsions...U can ask any questions u have regarding this ..my E-mail is- shafalipalhan@yahoo.com...
let me know know ur e-mail id too so I can give u my contact no in India.

Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:38 am
by raghu
Thank you so much.. I have sent a mail to your id.


Re: Any good tbpi doctors in india?

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:58 am
by raghu
Hello All,
Last Wednesday, I consulted Dr. Anil Bhatia. Upon his heuristic tests, he put the impression as "C5,T palsy & some spontaneous recovery in supra spine"

He advised a surgery that involves " exploration of left brachial plexus and nerve grafting/nerve transfer to attempt restoration of lost functionalities to left shoulder, elbows and hand".

He conveyed that, elbow functionality can be easily restored by grafting with inter coastal nerves. And he will try his best to give functionality to fingures, though, it might take 1.5 to 2 years.

He says, the exact estimation of recovery is possible, only while in surgery, when he actually examines the nerves.

I am planning to undergo the surgery on 25th of this month.
