United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Mayo Oct. 8th?
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Mayo Oct. 8th?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:40 pm
by hope16_05
Any one going to be at Mayo on October 8th? I will be there all day from the sound of it. I am having an EMG in the morning (not sure of the time yet) then seeing my doctor in the afternoon.

I would love to meet up if any one else is going to be there! Please let me know,
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN

Re: Mayo Oct. 8th?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:38 pm
by swhite1
Hello Amy,
I'm guessing you won't be going to the Mayo in Arizona?
In fact I'd venture to guess that nobody that posts here is going to or has gone to the one in Arizona? Well I hope to someday. I do need to know if they take pro-bono or indigent? I have my VA and Social Security w/Medicare. Think they'll take me?

Let us know how it goes for you Oct 8 okay? Are things going okay for you? You work in a assisted living facility as an OT correct? I'd like to know how you manage with the pain and inconvenience. You didn't start having pain until the latter years right? Is nit the same burning, crushing, stabbing most experience?
Sorry, too many questions. When I get on a roll I surf a lot and get lost a lot and type a lot but after the burnout I forget who and what I've written and in most cases forget the trail or whatever it's called that leads me so far away from topic. I'm such a moron this way...

Re: Mayo Oct. 8th?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:35 am
by hope16_05
Hey Scott,
I am actually going to the Mayo in Rochester, MN I keep forgetting that there are more than one Mayo. Odds are that any one who posts about Mayo is going to MN as they have the bpi team.

I would just call and ask if they will accept the insurance that you have, it never hurts to ask!

I will keep every one posted about my EMG on the 8th, I havent had one since I was 7 years old, dont remember it being very much fun at all.

THings are going great for me, my surgery this summer was a miracle surgery for me!!!! I have no more pain at all! Although I didnt get the pain until 13 yers old 7 years has been way too long for me and now its gone and I hope it stays that way as I am loving it!

I do work in an assisted living center but not as an OT, I am currently going to college to become an OT though. I apply this fall to the masters program actually. Now I dont have the pain any more but before when it was bad I guess I just had to get over it and move on with my life because I didnt want to be on percription pain killers at such a young age and my doctor really didnt want me on the either. I had used tylenol and ibuprofen to the point that neither had any affect on the pain at all. During the school year though it was affectingme in that the pain would make it extremely hard to concentrate and I never felt like going out and doing any thing. When I am in pain I like to be left alone.

As far as type of pain, mine was a constant burning, it literally felt like there was fire on my skin and fire in my muscles. I would think that the pain does not even compare to what tbpi go through but all the same it was affecting my life and something had to change. And lucky for me I have an awesome doc who is willing to do his homework and he did the surgery May 30th and since I have had no pain!!! I have been through almost 2 weeks of classes already and havent had any of the burning in my back that I had last year. I am so very lucky that this surgery was a success for me!
Thanks for asking!
Hope all is well on your end!
Amy 2 years old ROBPI from MN

Re: Mayo Oct. 8th?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:13 am
by stx431
Hey Amy, We've been away for a while. What was the surgery you had that was successful in relieving your pain? Carries pain has seemed to be increasing somewhat, hopefully it's been the ever changing weather we've had this summer in south Texas and not an over tolerance to her pain meds.

C-ya, Dick

Re: Mayo Oct. 8th?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:09 pm
by hope16_05
Hi Dick,
I had a pectoralis major transfer into the base of the scapula. This suergery relieved all of my pain by stabalizing my scapula. It was a miracle for me!

I hope that Carries pain resolves on its own!!!
Best wishes,
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN