United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Ulnar nerve?
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Ulnar nerve?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:31 pm
by cbe411
I am going for an EMG on Tuesday... possible pinched Ulnar nerve.... I hope no surgery!!

Anyone else have problems with this??


Re: Ulnar nerve?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:05 am
by Beckyerin
I am not sure what you sensation is like being as to your existing nerve damage but the clinical sypmtoms of ulnar nerve troubles are this

1)Ulnar nerve impingement at the elbow:
pain, numbess, and tinging from elbow radiating down the pinky side of your forearm to 1/2 of your ring and your pinky finger as well as in your palm underneath those fingers. weakness in that side of the hand
What they usuallly do for this is an ulnar nerve transposition. They surgically move your ulnar nerve from its origonal position in the elbow to somewhere nerarby to free up the impingement

2)Ulnar nerve inmpingement at the wrist:
pain, numbness, and tingling in 1/2 of your ring and your pinky finger as well as in your palm underneath those fingers. Weakness in that side of the hand
Sometimes they will surgically go in and cut away the tissue surrounding the nerve to release it at the wrist.

3)If your impingement is higher up near where the plexus exits the spinal cord you could have symtoms up in the upper part of your arm(bicep region) as well. But then you are getting more into thoracic outlet release(removal of first rib and release of scalene muscles in the neck)
Good luck,

Re: Ulnar nerve?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:13 pm
by srhykerd
Hopefully it is something that is easily remedied. You've been through enough already! Sue

Re: Ulnar nerve?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:58 am
by Christopher
Were is the focus of the pain, what type is it, and what makes it different than the old TBPI pain you have & love so much? How long have you had it? Does it come and go with any specific movements or body position?

Take pictures of yourself getting stuck full of pins! Especially close ups on your face and eyes! Have some fun in the midst of the insanity!

Hope you feel better soon!


Re: Ulnar nerve?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:39 pm
by cbe411
The pain is in my little finger knuckle, moving slightly into the ring finger... BURNING pain, comes and goes... it is a cramp, you can see the muscle contraction in my knuckle.

Had an EMG this am... ulnar nerve looks good! YEAH! But now we have to find out what is causing this pain! I can NOT handle it! I will see my doctor here on Tuesday to go over the results!

Hopefully good news!!

Re: Ulnar nerve?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:55 pm
by herff94
so sorry Court!!! Pain is the worst part of this injury-in my opinion. I Forget what its like to NOT have pain.
Would a TENS unit help? how about a heating pad wrapped around your hand. Heat is the best for me.
Well, I'm there with you in the pain department. You know all the stuff I've had going on? My implant was too big so they went in and shaved it down. In the 4th week of healing my incision opened and I had to go back to Mayo to get the exposed part of the implant cut away for fear of infection, they flushed my arm and stitched it shut. They found a stitch that didn't dissolved and scar tissue was forming around it so they cut that out as well. So far so good-its been a little over a week.
Good luck with you, Courtney. I'll be thinking of you.