United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • New Member w/5-month old ROBPI
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New Member w/5-month old ROBPI

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:04 pm
by rachelsm
Hello all,

I'm new to the board but not new in the sense that I have spent the past few months reading all of the helpful information and insight that each of your bring to the table. My 5-month old daughter was injured at birth (right arm) and I have just recently gotten to the acceptance stage of dealing with this.

I have experienced every emotion, ranging from frustration to outright anger, depending on what particular aspect of the injury I'm dealing with on any given day. My daughter continues to recover and has not had any surgeries yet, but we have been told that it is highly likely that she will need shoulder surgery if she does not get any external rotation and supination.

I would like to hear from anyone whose child did not have primary surgery but underwent later surgeries for the above, and the results. As I understand from our OT and various surgeons, external rotation and supination are the last movements to come and more than likely there will be significant limitations in these areas, without surgery.

Any experiences would be helpful...Thanks

Re: New Member w/5-month old ROBPI

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:42 am
by Mom In Atlanta
Hi I went thru the same emotions 7 years ago and my daughter is LOBPI and she didn't have any surgeries until she was 5 years old. She had a humeral osteotomy she still cannot supinate very well but with the surgery she is now able to put her hand on her head and before the surgery she could only touch her stomach. I just try and be positive for her cause if I don't who will. Oh and she has also had alot of OT and not that much PT.

Hope that this was helpful


Re: New Member w/5-month old ROBPI

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:50 pm
by Jake'smom
My son is 18 months and has not had any surgery. I'm not exactly sure what external rotation is but i noticed my son started suppinating about the time he started eating finger foods like cheerios. I think that was about 7-9 months old. When he first started eating the cheerios he would use his injured arm some but would hold the cheerios between his thumb and fore finger and put into his mouth w/o fully suppniating. then i noticed he started turning his arm so that he could put things from his palm into his mouth. I think as far as surgery is concerned or anything with this injury i'm learning, you have to take it on a case by case basis. I wouldn't assume that your child definately will need surgery as there are children whose parents post on this website that have chosen not to operate b/c the recovery was very good. I'm not saying that either way is right or wrong. I don't mean to offend anyone, but surgery is not necessarily a given. Just recearch and listen to your doctor and you'll be able to make the right decision for your child. Good luck!

Re: New Member w/5-month old ROBPI

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:52 pm
by Jake'smom
I also wanted to add that I'm not against surgery and if my son needs it at 5 or anytime I would do it if I thought it would help him. Just suggesting that there are kids who don't have to have surgery.