Viral induce BPI
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:38 pm
I have searched and searched on the internet about viral induced BPI, but have had no luck. I am still fairly new to UBPN and have already found two other cases. I really thought my son was alone. I have only heard of OBPI or TBPI so far. So if there are any others with damage to the BP from a virus i would love to hear your story and compare what the Doctor's advice was because it is different from other injuries because it is not a rip, tear, or avulsed, just damaged. I am having a hard time figuring out what to do. My son, who is 6, had West Nile and it got in his nervous system and did the damage there. It affected his ability to hold his head up, he couldn't walk for two weeks, and his right arm was completely paralyzed. It has been nine months from date of onset and all is better except the BP. He has gone from absolutely no movement in his right arm to having some flexion in his fingers but very little extension. No extension in his wrist and no flexion of his elbow. He has pretty good movement in his shoulder, but without elbow flexion this doesn't help him much. I'm still looking for a Doctor that is a specialist that knows what to do with him! Any therapy ideas would be appreciated also.