United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Possibility of shoulder strength deteriating
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Possibility of shoulder strength deteriating

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:48 pm
by catchatrain
Hi all,
Just have a kinda doofy question. Unlike so many of you all , ( And I truely hate it for you ) I have control of my shoulder.I dont have any wing scapula problems, I am just completely flail from the shoulder down. I dont wear a sling,for me it sems to work o.k.

But that is what brings me to my question. What are the chances of the nerves and muscles that are good know,going down the tubes later in life. I excersise all the time. I try to keep mobile.Sometimes that is imposible, but I do what I can. Am I running the risk of tearing up what good I have left. Just wondering.....Thanks all.....Hope everyone is hanging as well as can be..........Marshall (catch a train ).

Re: Possibility of shoulder strength deteriating

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:52 pm
by EllenB
Hi Marshall,

I can't answer your specific question about your shoulder but I wanted to mention that I've heard it's important to take good care of your back against longterm complications. I think it can get misaligned over time, since bpi people carry things one handed & it's hard to keep the back straight. Might not hurt to find a good chiropractor just for preventative measure.

Take care,
