United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • PAIN!!
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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:50 pm
by cbe411
The weather is FINALLY getting nice here in Michigan but DAMN my hand is hurting sooooo badly! I am even having a hard time concentrating at work! Any thoughts? I am trying to tough it out, I HATE going to the doctors but I worry that I might have to... I have a strange feeling that something is wrong... maybe a pinched ulnar nerve? Very unusual pains for me!!! I've just about had it!!!

Thanks for listening...


Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:45 pm
by brandonsmom
Have you tried a hand splint that you buy from like WAL-Mart. Brandon is ROBPI and s 8 1/2 and when he complains I slap one of those babies on there and it seems to clear itself up in a day or two. He is uch younger, but I think alot of it has to do with overuse....yes, he has use of his affected arm, pretty much, but sometimes he pushes it a little too much !!!

Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:55 pm
by srhykerd
Hey Courtney, sorry to hear that your pain is worse. Being a mother and a nurse, if I get a bad feeling about something then I know it needs to be checked out. Always follow your gut feelings. It may be nothing but I'd have it checked out. Hope things get better for you. Sue

Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:47 pm
by catchatrain
Hi Court,

I hear ya about the wheather. It is nice and warm, and my arm is coming off.Well not really....Everytime a high or low comes thru it just kills me. I sure hope you didn't hurt anything.Good luck.....hope ya get to feeling better.

Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:01 pm
by Kath
Get to the Doctor! You have to listen to your gut.
Weather will always be a problem but you still have to trust your gut.

I have to put a pillow under my bpi arm when using the computer or I can't stand the pain.
I also notice when on the computer my posture is so bad that the good side of my neck burns...

Check you Posture and see if the pillow helps.
Talk to your pt/ot about the position your sitting in to work. Try to get up and move around to take a break.

I hope the pain subsides.

Kath robpi/adult

Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:36 pm
by John K

As much as I hate going to Drs about a year ago my pain was becoming unbearable. My nueroligist attributed it to high blood pressure and put me on medicine to control it. It has made a big difference. I would have never figured out that something else was causing the pain without going to the dr. I tried watching caffeine, diet etc., etc. but it was unbearable now its just normal again. As normal as BPI pain can be anyhow...


Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:34 am
by Jack1110
G'Day COurt,

It's me Jamie & Jack from down under, long time between posts I know.

I know this sounds soft but my little thought process/affirmation is----

I am aware that my pain is a result of a fault in my system and I am in NO danger as a result of this pain, this pain therefore requires nor justifies any response from me!

And always I do the old "NO Way are you getting the better of me!!!

Cheers Court

Peace to you!

Jamie & Jack

Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:18 pm
by ronin
I quit trying to figure out what sets it off--weather for sure but anything can do it. I run to the Dr. and they tell me tuff sh*t--nothin' they can (or will) do.
It just hurts when it decides to. Or more accurately, it becomes tolerable when it decides to---rest of the time I'm fighting off the screaming fits.

Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:43 pm
by herff94
hey Court~
I get those pains here and there. Is it in your side wrist and hand? Unbelievable pain? Sharp knife driving pain? I get them!!! I am going on 20 yrs and still can't figure out what brings it on. Drink lots of water, I know that sounds stupid and simple but it helps a lot. That's why we have more pain after drinking from the night before!!! Dehydration. I thought it was the cold but I get it in the summer too.
Basically, Court, this injury sucks and its dang painful.
I'm so sorry. I wish we didn't have to have it. Makes me snippy and short tempered too. Really makes me ugly.
It'll go away.
I hope to hear from you soon.

Re: PAIN!!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:15 pm
by ronin
i don't log on a lot cuz i've found that the more i focus on the pain, the more i focus on the pain. it won't kill me, just makes me wish i was dead.'course now, i'm a firm believer in better living thru chemistry and i know allota folks are all straight edge when it comes 2 that, but i'm goin 15 years now and sca-rew that.
one day at a time-just think maybe tomorrow won't be as bad, and if it is, maybe the next day'll be better. i do get damn tired of it tho.