United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • EMG and nerve conduction study scheduled
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EMG and nerve conduction study scheduled

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:01 am
by chriscnaz
We have my husband's first EMG and nerve conduction study scheduled for May 17.( 2 months post injury)

Any advice or experience to offer? What should we expect? How long for results?

We don't have a BP specialist in AZ but he is seeing a Periphreal nerve specialist with the University of Arizona Nuerology clinic.

I'm hoping we'll get some type of information, we have very little so far except that the inital MRI ( spinal injury rule/out 6 hours after his fall) did not show a significant avulsion, but no other testing since then.

Re: EMG and nerve conduction study scheduled

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:56 pm
by beth lucas

Hi...My husbands first EMG was about an hour and a half it was stopped due to pain. His second was over 3 hours long and the DR was amazing! He actually compared the good side to the injured side to see how damaged his nerves really are. We had results as soon as the test was done, both DRS told us what was going on, but the formal report took us about a week.
They hook up as my husband would say a cattle probe and put different amounts of current to stimulate the areas, almost like a TENS unit. They also sued a needle like thing to penetrate the deeper nerves on Matt. He said for the most part it is not painful for the shock(feels weird)...he has so much pain all the time he cannot sit stand or lay for long at all.
We have been told by many that this is the most important test he can ever have, hopefully you get a great EMG done.

Best of luck

Re: EMG and nerve conduction study scheduled

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:48 pm
by ptrefam
Dustin's first EMG was done a few months post accident too. Due to his TBI (traumatic brain injury) they didn't think he could handle it before this time. It was done by his Physiologist. He let us come in and watch. They used very fine needles to sick in, then he listened to the noise of some, that may have been muscles moving, I don't remember. He gave ratings to all the areas, which at the time meant nothing to me. He also had Dustin try to move specific muscles during the test. Immediately following he gave us the results. He explained the muscle grading. Most of all I remember him saying basically "gross abnormality in all areas". I think his test was 45 mins. Dustin said the only needle he felt was in the back of his neck area. He later had a more thourough EMG at Mayo, lasting 2 hours.

Re: EMG and nerve conduction study scheduled

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:35 pm
by jpixstix
i had one done 2 days ago. this was my third one. i am 15 months post injury and 12 mos. post surgery. ie. nerve grafts. this one took about 45 min. first they evaluate you. physical appearance of arm and shoulder. they did a prick test with a pointy object to see if you feel anything. then they do emg. basically they put sticky electrode pads on you and shock you in different areas with somwthing that looks like a taser gun.then they do the needle in the various muscles and listen for muscle activity while they tell you to try and move it. they give each muscle a grade. 5 being strongest and i think 1 being inactive.its really not that bad. in this test you want it to be painful because that means you have continuity in your nerves to the targeted muscles. in my case i got some good news. i have early innervention to three muscles which i never had before. the tricep, deltoid and supraspinatus (i think the last one is right on back of shoulder ) each one they graded as 2+. this was the smallest of my nerve grafts. the one for bicep has not taken yet. that one was the longest 9cm. its finally good to hear some good news . i am looking forward to my next one in 6 mos. i hope this helps and good luck to you.

Re: EMG and nerve conduction study scheduled

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:41 pm
by Joy in FL
My first few EMG's were VERY difficult. Mostly because the people doing them were not very good at doing the test. Once I moved up to people that knew where to poke you it was much easier. I think the worst one for me was the one in the base of the neck. The skin is very tough there. So putting the needle in is different, harder. Then the shock is so strong. At least if felt stronger! Felt it all the way down to my toes! :-)

The first test can be scary. But, the techs are normally very understanding and helpful. If it becomes to much he can ask for a break or to even reschedule. Tell him to stay calm and relax as much as possible.

I will be thinking of your husband on the 17th. Please come back and let us know how he does.

Good Luck,
