United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Intro..Newbie
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Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:47 pm
by tinnify24
Hi everyone! My name is Tiffany, better known as Noah's Mom, LOL. My son was injured at birth. He was diagnosed the day he was born. His first visit with his OT was the day after. Noah has done well, and recovered nicely with a combination of OT and PT. We are going to Atlanta to see a doctor about possible surgery. I'm really just curious about it. Noah has made so much progress with therapy alone, but he still has some scapula winging and major supination problems. Most people can't tell unless they are in the same boat I am. After reading some posts I am excited for this chance to meet all of you!

Re: Intro..Newbie

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:33 pm
I think that it's great your son has made progress with pt/ot,and that he's doing well. I would continue to research and speak with more than one doctor. Take your time and make sure your happy with who you choose. ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS???????? If I can help you please let me know. thanks kathy

The bpi community is very sadden by the loss of Dr.Shenaq
It may take others a some time but,they will help you as well......thanks again kathy

Re: Intro..Newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:38 pm
by ccorkra
Hi Tiffany,
This is Lucy's mom. Lucy is 20 months old and has a LOBPI (left obstetric brachial plexus injury - just want to make sure you are getting all of the acronyms everyone uses around here).

We actually live in Atlanta. Which doctor are you going to see? We usually go to the Center for Facial Nerve and Brachial Plexus Reconstruction at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, at Scottish Rite. Dr. Schwentker is the medical director of the clinic and the microplastic surgeon. She is great as well as all of the staff. I'm guessing that you will also see Dr. Peljovich, the orthopedic doc if you are going to CHOA.

Lucy had a very severe injury and had to have primary surgery at 3 months of age. She is recovering slowly but she is recovering. Let me know when you are coming to Atlanta. Our next visit at the BP clinic is on 4/20/07. If you want anymore information you can email me directly at ccorkra@emory.edu.


Re: Intro..Newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:41 pm
by ccorkra
I also wanted to mention to check out the BPI events message board. There are a few of us that live in or "around" Atlanta that are trying to plan a get together and it would be great to have more join in. Carol