United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • looking for help
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looking for help

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:15 pm
by cbe411
THis is an email I received... any one know anyhting about any of this? I told her I was posting it here and would let her know if I learn anything. If you can help her, please let mek now as I will then pass along her email addy! THANKS!!

I have a brachial plexus injury after being in a train accident at the age of ten.
In my late thirties I became severly heavy metal poisoned and my arm began to degenerate both muscle and bone. My shoulder also began to do the same and the breast on that side slowly became smaller until it is about 1/2 the size. An MRI last year showed significant atrophy of the chest wall. Pain is increasing and now my hand is turned purple and I must work very hard to get any circulation going.
I have learned the metals store in scar tissue in the body and begin to dengenerate these weak areas first.
Do you have any knowledge of this or anyone facing similiar problems?
I am now 52.
Thank you for your time.

Re: looking for help

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:07 am
by Christopher
Yikes! Completely out of my league, sorry to say.

If that was me, instincts would send me to get regular hard core deep tissue message and be exercising the affected areas & rest of the body as hard and as much as possible. I would find some talented acupuncturists to work with as well, besides finding the best neurosurgeon and toxicologist available. I would periodically/monthly being doing gastric-intestinal cleanses.

Send her our prayers,

Re: looking for help

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:16 pm
by srhykerd
Hopefully the heavy metal poisoning has been taken care of. I would certainly have someone look into the vascular status of your arm and hand since it has been turning purple lately. Maybe the circulation has been impaired somehow and needs attended to. Perhaps the scar tissue is interferring with it. Just a guess, but I would get to a doctor soon with these new symptoms. Good luck. Sue