United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Hello All...
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Hello All...

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:35 am
by JudyC
Just wanted to say Hello to everyone and to let you know we are doing ok David is back in therapy and doing great but not very motivated and Dr. Shin ordered him a can of KA (kick ass)for him but we are still struggling I know it takes time and time is what we have but he is in 2 much of a hurry he just expects it 2 happen over night but we all know that it doesn't work that way... We go back in 4 more months to Mayo so so far so good ... Judy and David

Re: Hello All...

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:12 am
by trr_amesh
Hi everybody,

I'm 32 and was injured in an road accident on Jan 2006. I suffered a Facial bone fractured and "TBPI as well as experienced trauma. I'm recoverd very well from the facial bone injury, After that i went for nerve graft surgery (prime) to my right arm on feb 2006.(C5,C6,C7,C8 &T1 avulision nerves)

Still I have not use of my shoulder,elbow and any of my fingers in the right hand. I'm hoping that anyone out there can offer any insight possible, such as things that will help for movement and improvement.

What type of PT you are doing for all joints. If any electronic simulation for maintaing the muscle that is galvanic or fardic signal for bisteps and three deltoid's. As of now i am taking Galvanic simulation.

Goodluck to every one.

Message was edited by: trr_amesh

Re: Hello All...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:13 pm
by Shorts
Hi Judy. Don't worry about the motivation just yet. I was the same way going through OT very early on, then PT. Find out why he's got no motivation.

One of my things was that all the exercises I had to begin with seemed so childish and basic, kinda like all the PE/athletic stuff I did in gym class. At the time of my accident, I was in prime shape, and an accomplished athlete. I guess from going from performing at a high level to struggling to on these "piddly" exercises bothered me. I couldn't believe they had "me" doing "this stuff".

Maybe a change in therapy exercise could do the trick - like a change of setting? Right about that time I started dreading OT/PT in "the exercise room", one OT who took my case told me to bring my swimsuit. I started doing the pool exercises, then go to go into the big athletic clinic with all kindsa workout equipment and computer aided stuff. That was cool! (My rehab center was the big place across the street from my high school which was a HUGE athletic powerhouse. So the medical attention available for sports in juries was superb).

Wow, I'm rambling. Anyway, motivation has to come from inside the person. Eventually he had to say "I'm sick of being at this level. I'm going to do this. I want to best at this". For the meanwhile, support all you can.