United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Spontanious recovery?
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Spontanious recovery?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:33 pm
by ptrefam
Okay, there are no dumb questions right? So here I go, has anyone on here with a TBPI had an eventual spontanious recovery. I am not talking like overnight, but where gradually everything or most came back? Strange thing when I asked Dustin's dr about steroids he said he has never heard of that helping in a BPI, but Dustin's arm is going to come back. Well, after everyone wouldn't say anything but "it all takes time, everyone is different", this blew me away. I know the drs at Mayo feel the same way. So just would like to hear from anyone else that has had it happen, like how long and what were milestones for them, ect.

Re: Spontanious recovery?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:14 pm
by herff94
I guess if the nerves were only stretched. However, if they are pulled out from the spine there is no spontaneous recovery. As explained to me, 19+ yrs ago in terms a teenager would understand, the doctors at Mayo said this "once they are unplugged, we can not plug them back in". I prayed for a spontaneous recovery, dreamed about every night for a very long time, but it remains the same.
Great news for you. Miracles happen every day! You were the lucky chosen one.

Good luck~

Re: Spontanious recovery?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:44 pm
by fortitudine
You are way further out from the injury than we are, so what I tell you may not be much use. But first, in August, Eric, 17, was told, 4-6 months, you'll be fine. This is not uncommon with a high-speed clavicle fracture.

But nothing seemed to be happening. We saw a neurosurgeon here who specialized in bpi 6 weeks later, after doing EMG's, and he told us it was a very serious injury, with a 2/3 chance of any recovery, and even with surgery, which he would most likely need, the chances for recovery were similar, maybe in some nerves up to 75%. End of October, another month, we thought there'd been some improvement but he said not and sched. surgery for Dec 12.

Nov.28 at the Mayo - they found clinical evidence of recovery in the biceps and EMG evidence of activity in several other nerves, none in others. We cancelled surgery Jan.23 at the Mayo, biceps on the road to normal, several other nerves clinically improving, EMG's supporting that. We're now about 5 1/2 months. Eric can flex his biceps against gravity about 2/3, has full movement of wrist and fingers, and can adduct straight arm about 12" and bring it forward the same. Deltoid still very questionable. We will go back in March and if necessary do surgery then.

Re: Spontanious recovery?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:33 am
by ptrefam
Dustin continues to improve, though very slow. Now when he sits in a chair with his arm against the back he can raise and lower his arm from the elbow. Bending it towards the shoulder and back to a 90 degree then up again. In water he is able to move now as though there were no injury. Can do the breast stroke with both arms. Just lifting it to the side overhead is a problem. We also will be at Mayo in March, when will you be there? Think his appt is the 3rd.