United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Posting when not logged in
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Posting when not logged in

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 9:29 am
by Tricia
I posted a message on the general board yesterday, but I wasn't logged in when I posted it. It didn't show up right away, I understand it has to be approved before being posted. However, when I look at the post now, it says 3 replies, but I can only see one reply. Are the other 2 replies from guests as well, and they'll become visible as they are approved? Thank you!


Re: Posting when not logged in

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 2:44 pm
by njbirk
Absolutely right. The two replies were from someone else not logged in, and actually they were duplicates, which happens frequently when someone posts, doesn't see their response and posts again the same response. Only one was approved as the other was exactly the same response.

Nancy Birk
UBPN Secretary