United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • One Handed Electric Saw (handheld) ?
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One Handed Electric Saw (handheld) ?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:40 pm
by Pier Jumper
I am tired of using a manual saw to trim my palm trees and trees in my front and back yard. I am looking for a handheld electric saw that I can use with one hand. I went to the Home Depot and the saws were to heavy for me to handle with one hand. They are designed with a trigger in the back and a flat area in the front to support with your other hand. With my luck, I would drop the saw and cut off my leg...

I was wondering if anyone has found a good handheld electric reciprocating saw for use with one hand.


Re: One Handed Electric Saw (handheld) ?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:39 pm
by catchatrain
Hi Rich,

I am a guitar luithier by trade (or should I say I was ). I have used tons of tools for my job.

In our condition if it were me I would use a sabre saw, also known as a jig saw. One of the best on the market is Bosch. I have used many diff. models and it has always come thru as best for me. I think Home Depot carries them too.

Put a real agressive blade on there and were it out.It is not near as bulky as a saws all,and real easy to control with one hand.Also you don't have to worry about it kicking back and choppin your leg off....(.

It does put you right up close to your work but it sounds like you already are if you have been using a hand saw....Good luck....Marshall

Re: One Handed Electric Saw (handheld) ?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:57 pm
by Pier Jumper

That is a great recommendation. I never thought of using a jig saw. That is the perfect solution.

